Friday, February 4, 2011

Biggest Luxury Assets Online Auction in the World

Biggest Luxury Assets Online Auction in the World

This is the only online auction where Hollywood celebrities trading and bargaining their asset and valuable collection with other celebrities. The name of the online auction is BillionaireXCHAGE. The Biggest Luxury Assets Online Auction in the World
In BillionaireXCHAGE, the members can trade their mansion in Beverly hills with a Chateau in France, or bargaining their antique Rolls Royce with a latest product of Bentley, or swapping a bottle of 1802 Chateau Lafitte with a bottle of Cheval Blanc from 1947. In this online auction, as long it is valuable and worth millions of dollar, everything is allowed to be listed here.
billionairexchange Biggest Luxury Assets Online Auction in the World
Selling Company, mines, casinos, private islands, resorts, rare painting, huge diamonds, unused aircraft, memorabilia of legendary musician or rare comics are legal here. The only requirement to have an access to list a product here is having a verifiable liquid net worth minimum $2 million.
This online auctioned is designed only and for the affluent members. The main vision of BillionaireXCHANGE is to protect the value and the brand of product. It is expected that any items that is exchanged of bargain here has stable value in any market condition or in the future. That is sound very honorable right.
billionairexchange2 Biggest Luxury Assets Online Auction in the World
Several benefit of becoming member of BillionaireXCHANGE, we can have direct access to many celebrities, VIP Luxury Services from BillionaireXCHANGE and we can hang out with them on a private club. BillionaireXCHANGE welcomes any businessman, successful musicians, actress or actors around the globe. The club only discriminates people with net worth less than 2 million dollar.
As last information, since it was opened, BillionaireXchange has facilitated the selling and bargaining of more than $180 million assets of many affluent people around the world. If you have 2 million dollar asset this moment, do you want to be a new member of this Biggest Luxury Assets Online Auction in the world ?

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