Wednesday, July 27, 2011

10 Animals Who Ever Exploring Space

Even after the manned space missions become a routine procedure, the animals continue to be used for space experiments. The astronauts of animals have been instrumental in helping people succeed in space travel, this is the 10th animal is meritorious.

10. RAT

Rats first in space, in February 1961, French rat named hector sent into space.After flying to an altitude of 93 miles, hector made it back safely.


Marmot who first flew into space with the spacecraft sputnik soviet 9 on 9 March 1961, along with a dog named chernushka, a dummy cosmonaut named Ivan Ivanovich, and various types of rodents and reptiles. Ivan managed to return safely to earth and so even with the animals. On 5 October 1990, China launched a biosatellite FSW-3 contains a collection of 60 plants and animals, including guinea pigs. After eight days, biosatellite has been found safely.


The mission of The Bion 7 (1985) carry 10 newts Liberia in it, along with a host of other biological specimens (including two monkeys). In order to provide an understanding of injury and regeneration rates in space, newts were harmed in the poor part of their front legs. The researchers observed that the newts can regenerate significantly faster in space. Newts included on other Bion flights. They have also been used for experiments at Columbia (1994), the mission of photons-m 2 (2005), Japanese space flyer unit (1995), and the Mir space station .


In 1970, NASA launched something called the Orbiting Frog Otolith program by sending two frogs into orbit (otolith word that refers to an ear-in mechanism to control the balance). OFO experiment was developed so that scientists can determine how otolith adjusted for weight. Frogs in space from November 9 to 15 and the experiment was a success. Researchers can collect neurophysiological data they want, but unfortunately the plane could not be recovered after landing.


Type the first fish in space is mummichog, water specimens are often used for research projects because of its ability to survive in extreme conditions. A pair of mummichog accompanying Skylab Mission 3 (1973) to provide more information about the otolith organs.


On September 15, 1968, the Soviet Union launched the spacecraft Zond 5 with a biological payload that includes two male turtles. On September 18, Zond 5 makes rounds around the moon and safely return to Earth on 21. tortoises experienced a slight weight loss, but it was very much better than erupting in flames and burned to death at the launch. The mission of the Soviet Soyuz 20 (17 November 1975-16 February 1976) turtles kept in space for 90.5 days, a record for the longest duration for animals.

4. CAT

Not content with simply launching the first mouse into space, the French decided they also sent the first cat on the moon in October 1963. They found the cat on the street, and named Felix, with an AGI Véronique rocket they launch it into space. And yes, the cat returned safely. France was awarded "First Cat in Space".


In 1973, Skylab 3 mission to bring a pair of European garden spider named Arabella and Anita for the first time. Project "spider space" is an experimental science project from the dream of a college student named Judy Miles, and the idea is useful to observe how the weight and gravity of outer space will affect the construction of a spider's web. Both the spider managed to spin net, Arabella was first completed.The scientists then determined that although there are differences in the net space and thickness, they have better quality overall. Both spiders died in space due to dehydration, their bodies are now on display at the Smithsonian.


The launch of Air Force Aeromedical Laboratory "Albert" (June 1948 - August 1950) at White Sands, NM is the first experiment using primates. Albert, first launched on June 11, 1948. Unfortunately he did not survive (in fact, he did not even get into space). It was only on June 14, 1949, Albert II became the first monkey in space when he reached an altitude of 83 miles.

1. DOG

Soviets would prefer to use a pair of female wild dogs for their space experiments in the 50's and 60's. Most of the flights they managed, and some dogs have flown more than once. In 1951, Dezik and Tsygan became the first dog to survive in outer space. Unfortunately, Dezik killed in the next launch. 2 dogs from the Soviets, Belka and Strelka (along with rabbits, two rats, and other biological specimens) first to reach outer space with Sputnik 5. One type of dog Strelka which is then given as gifts to the children of President Kennedy.

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