To save something very important, of course, we will disclose in a safe place and have a strict protection. For office data files, usually stored in office safes. But what if the data file or something other is the state data is very very important, where we can disclose?.
Here is a list of 10 places in the world safest storage based on the coordinates of point locations, as well as the accompanying security forces.
1. London Tower.
This place is an ancient building located in the UK, Formerly, this building was the residence of the British royal family before moving to Buckingham palace. Inside this building saved a lot of English heritage royal heritage, such as gold crown St.Edward, the crown Kohinoor "property of the queen Elisabeth with diamond weighing 109 carats and a scepter with a" star of Africa ", the largest diamond hone in duni, everything is stored in secret underground buildings coated steel plate. Coupled with super-tight security of the British Empire troops who are always ready to guard this place.
Here is a list of 10 places in the world safest storage based on the coordinates of point locations, as well as the accompanying security forces.
1. London Tower.
This place is an ancient building located in the UK, Formerly, this building was the residence of the British royal family before moving to Buckingham palace. Inside this building saved a lot of English heritage royal heritage, such as gold crown St.Edward, the crown Kohinoor "property of the queen Elisabeth with diamond weighing 109 carats and a scepter with a" star of Africa ", the largest diamond hone in duni, everything is stored in secret underground buildings coated steel plate. Coupled with super-tight security of the British Empire troops who are always ready to guard this place.
2. Sealand.
This building is actually a former bastion of British air forces during world war.Located at located 10 km off the coast of Suffolk England. Sealand is a special area which is headed by a king, there is even a mention that Sealand is the smallest country in the world. The remoteness of the settlement plus the security of British troops (the location of Sealand in the area of marine territory of the UK) makes this location a very secure storage. Even well-known data storage company Haven Co. entrust simpananya data in this place.
3. Granite Bunker.
Granite bunker is a data storage bunker, located in Salt Lake City, Utah United States state. Bunker is to serve as data storage by the government of the United States population. This bunker is a bunker arguably the safest, karne located at 200 meters below the mountain of granite, and again the door is a metal weighing 12 tons, so it is impossible to be able to steal the data on this site.
4. Norad Central.
Norad is central defense system the United States Air Force. This defense system in the form of cave area of 18,000 m2, as deep as 600 m below the big rock. The biggest room area of 14 x 180 m with a height of 18 m with 2 metal gate weighing 25 tons as the entrance. There are still another 15 underground buildings, partially floored-3. The buildings in the 1319 NORAD is protected by steel plates each weighing 450 kg. Thus less likely to enter an intruder.

5. Bold Lane Parksafe
This is the place where the safest cars in the world, if you want the most secure car park, just come to bold parksafe lane. Bold lane Parksafe not the usual parking place, but very unusual. Because on each side of the room there must be hundreds of surveillance cameras, coupled with hundreds of tools which are very sensitive motion sensor. So also there are signs that a little suspicious, the security officer Parksafe Bold lane that has been trained to immediately check on the situation.
6. Fort Knox.
Fort Knol is a storehouse of gold bullion which the United States military located along the Kentucky, USA, and guarded by hundreds of soldiers. Inside the warehouse are stored thousands of bars of gold and precious documents, one of which is a manuscript copy of the original charter magna Charta. Warehouse is equipped with a very strict security system, entry doors are steel with a heavy 2o tons, while the main door of the warehouse is equipped with security systems combination of numbers where only a few people who know.
7. Area 51.
Area 51 is one of the most closed areas in the world, this area is heavily guarded by American soldiers. according to rumors, here was investigated UFOs and bodies outside angkasa.Di creatures here too the United States to develop advanced combat aircraft technology, and many U.S. military documents that are stored here.No wonder the area is located in the Nevada desert has become one of the safest places in the world.
8. Data Fortress.
data storage bunker fortress is located in the Swiss Alps. This bunker is a bunker belonging to the enterprise data storage mount 10 which is used to store confidential documents belong to various government, military, bank, and financial institutions from around the world. Security is extremely tight bunker, at various angles the area have installed hundreds of surveillance cameras, motion sensor sound sensor.

9. Florence Prison.
This place is super tight prison in the United States Colorado, prison pen which houses about 400 inmates. This prison is a place for prisoners, prisoners with serious violations, I wonder if prison security is very tight. The inmates locked up in steel buildings in 1000 with remote sensing sensors. And again outside the fence surrounding the prison has been waiting for hundreds of dogs who chase the prisoners who tried to escape.
10. Air Force One.
Air Force one is a United States presidential plane. aircraft type of Boeing 747-200B is equipped with various facilities extraordinary security, ranging from sensory tracking devices, communications equipment soundproofed, neutralizing device of electromagnetic waves, as well as a highly sophisticated security system itself right 9tahu United States). This aircraft can be refueled in the air, so it can hover for a full week.