Robot, the day became increasingly sophisticated and more advanced.Creativity of the scientists who made them so great. Many tasks - an important and dangerous task if done by humans, is now replaced by this technology. Robotic technology is also very helpful in medicine, space research, to the military world.
The scary for us is, when robots - robots that have been advanced so great it is, fall into the wrong hands. Not a benefit for humans, could be a robot - this robot will 'end' of human civilization.
Hollywood has been several times to give us depiction of how a robot to beat humans. Of course, it gets loud opposition from the scientists. The robot is created by men, however they will not exceed us, so excuse the scientists who continue to develop robotic technology.
Maybe a little excessive, if the outlook a little Hollywood influence my thinking about robots. But, do not hurt you to go look at the development of this advanced technology and analyze what my concern and worry Hollywood.
Here are some robots that make us think twice, if possible robot can replace humans as the ruler of the world's future? Please refer to some robots that 'horrible' this ..
His name is Robodog. This robot is a highly lethal military weapons. It has a nickname as "the most advanced rough-terrain robot in the world" is able to explore a variety of terrain and even climb trees. Do not ever think to run away when confronted with this four-legged robot, you will not get away from it. When falling into terrorist hands, imagine what happens? Ready to face The Big Dog?
'Women' of this beautiful named HRP4-C. Better known by Fembot. Equipped with the ability to behave like a woman, FemBot can be a very dangerous weapon. Ability elasticnya incredible movement, making it feasible to walk on a catwalk and posed together with the model - beautiful model.
Ever watch the movie Austin Power? Well, this robot is the realization of a robot movie. If equipped with sophisticated weapons, it is not impossible FemBot can be a very deadly weapons. Do not be fooled by her beauty, this robot can also be programmed to behave cruelly without having feelings of guilt. Prepare the playboy who liked playing a woman, this robot will be happy to let you trick, before akhrinya finish off your ...
Robot Teacher
A robot from Japan called ME, nowadays is a substitute teacher in the country Sakura. The robot is programmed with this primary school curriculum, has replaced the position of teacher in teaching all subjects. Can be imagined when one day all the teachers being replaced by robots. With the ease of children - early childhood will digest all the words - words that have been preprogrammed robot.
Not a problem when the program is installed on the robot in accordance with the curriculum, however, when the program is filled with programs - programs a la Brain Wash terrorists, we can imagine the fate of future generations. Terrorist upbringing at an early age, it sounds terrible is not it?
Child-robot with biomimetic Body abbreviated nickname CB2 is a quick look cute and adorable. Robots that were previously created as research material to view a child's growth process is this, can join the 56 muscle movements. He also has 197 sensors throughout the body that works like the sense of taste in humans. The camera was placed in his eye has the ability to recognize objects around which the human language is often referred to as the eye.
Even more powerful is that this robot can develop properly children - children who grow into teenagers, and eventually become adults. Ever thought about what happens when these robots have this "education" that bad? With super abilities he has, he will be 'Super Psychopaths' is horrific.
His name is 'AirJellies'. Yup! a robotic jellyfish - jellyfish are capable of flying through the air. AirJellies has the capabilities and characteristics in common with jellyfish - jellyfish that we meet at sea. Festo Automation Germany-made robot can perform the movement organized together - together in one group and attack targets. Can Marines cope?
Robot Penguin
If you think that picture above is a penguin, you can not be blamed. Penguin robot is indeed very similar to the penguin in all respects. Behavior, shapes, and sounds the same.
The difference is their resilience more powerful than the original penguin, the ability to swim faster, to work in groups, and the more terrifying is when they dibelali with nuclear or bio-chemical weapons that can be fired from his mouth .... wuihh ... sophisticated radar even be difficult to distinguish original penguin robot .... with the heart - heart when met with the penguins, who knows he is a robot ...
Robot Army
Bomb Sniffer Robot Robot Soldiers and Lethal have been used in the Iraq war. Even the Military's claims are creating an insect-sized robots that can be used in the mission of the eye - the eye. Scientists say that the robot - this robot has the capability of accuracy and militancy hundreds of times more than the regular army. It seems we must say good-bye to Rambo and James Bond
The robot that was introduced by Honda as a 'friend' this man, has grown very rapidly from the initial model. The new ASIMO can already dance, making tea, even able to become a conductor of a symphony.
At first, ASIMO was created to help simplify people in completing the work day - day.But when the scientists plan to apply new technology called "brain waves wirelessly relaying" Asimo has turned into a 'monster' that horrible. Why? do not be confused, a new technology that applied to Asimo is 'only' able to read your mind ...
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