Thursday, June 30, 2011

Leonid doctor, one who Able to operate on Itself


April 29, 1961, a doctor from the Russian Antarctic expedition (the South Pole of Earth) at the station expedition "Novolazarevskaya", Leonid Rogozof (27 years), had a fever and the bottom of her stomach was very painful. 

The next day the situation is getting worse. It was impossible in the polar regions are remote that he hired a plane to take him to hospital. No way did she ask for help to another doctor, because he is the only physician in the expedition. 

Finally, on the night of 30 April 1961, Dr. Leonid forced to perform surgery on himself, to cut and remove their organs in the form of appendicitis (appendix) which has been inflamed. 

In that operation he uses local anesthesia (local anesthesia), assisted by a mechanic and a meteorologist who is in the expedition. 

As he lay half-bent toward the left side, he injects into his liquid local anesthetic "novocaine", then do a 12 cm incision along the right abdominal (iliac) with a scalpel. 

By looking through a small mirror and groping, Leonid performing surgery, removing the appendix, and abdominal inject antibiotics, stitch the wound. Both the "assistant" (mechanical and metrologist) helps small to hold the mirror near the stomach and gives medical equipment to Leonid. This operation runs for 1 hour and 45 minutes to complete. 

Five days postoperatively, temparatur Leonid body back to normal, and 2 days later the wound sutures removed. 

All the equipment used to perform a spectacular operation, now located and exhibited in museums "Arctic and Antarctica "in St.. Petersburg, Rusiaundefinedundefined


Thursday, June 30, 2011, Ed Sessa

Theme: Hey, MICKEY, you're so fine. 52D.When spelled out, word that follows the beginnings of the starred answers in a memorable kids' show theme song: MOUSE.

20A. *13th in a literary series of 26: M IS FOR MALICE. Along with 42A. Author Grafton who wrote 20-Across: SUE.

29A. *Me.-to-Fla. route: I NINETY-FIVE. Interstate highway from Maine to Florida.

35A. *Benjamin: C-NOTE. It's all about the Benjamins. My daughter is getting sick of hearing me say "follow the money" whenever she asks me why someone did something.

39A. *Blue Light Specials store: K-MART. Now owned by Sears.

43A. *The Boss's backup: E STREET BAND. Bruce Springsteen.

53A. *All men have them: Y CHROMOSOMES.

Hi all, All here. Did anyone else get anything more complex for the theme? Seemed a bit simple for a Thursday. (Note from C.C.: Looks simple, but it's tough to find familiar phrases where the first word is an English letter, not to mention in equal length for symmetry.)


1. Nile reptile: CROC. In it's natural habitat.

5. Dance in Rio: SAMBA. Brazilian dance of African origin, Zemba, from Portugese samba, shortened form of zambacueca, a type of dance, probably altered (by influence of zamacueco "stupid") from zambapalo, the name of a grotesque dance, itself an alteration of zampapalo "stupid man," from zamparse "to bump, crash."

10. Net info sources: FAQS. Frequently Asked Questions.

14. Make over: REDO.

15. Dwindling Alaskan tribe: ALEUT.

16. It runs in Juarez: AGUA. Spanish water.

17. Copycat: APER.

18. Horn without keys: BUGLE.

19. Place to brood: COOP. Old English brod "brood, fetus, hatchling "that which is hatched by heat." The verbal figurative meaning ("to incubate in the mind") is from the notion of "nursing" one's anger, resentment, etc.

23. Glucose regulator: INSULIN. From Latin insula "island," so called because the hormone is secreted by the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas.

24. Winter phenomenon, commercially: SNO.

25. Diary of a sort: LOG.

28. Cultural org. since 1965: NEA. National Endowment for the Arts. PBS sponsor.

32. Actress Gardner: AVA. Husbands and lovers include Mickey Rooney, Howard Hughes, Artie Shaw and Frank Sinatra.

33. Party invite inits.: BYO. Bring Your Own beverage.

34. "So be it!": AMEN. From Hebrew for "truth".

38. "__ to him who believes in nothing": Hugo: WOE. From Les Mis�rables.

40. Bats: LOCO. Daft, nuts.

41. "Platoon" setting, briefly: NAM.

46. Basic resting spot: COT. Basic training.

49. "So that's it!": OHO.

50. Where kronor are spent: Abbr.: SWEeden.

51. Cooks quantity?: TOO MANY. Cooks spoil the broth. Many hands make the work light. Make up your mind...

55. Bunker smoother: RAKE. Golf sandtrap.

58. Give __: inspire: A LIFT.

59. Capable of: UP TO.

60. Cell impulse transmitter: AXON. Nerve ending.

61. Blakley of "Nashville": RONEE. Unknown to me.

62. Put in stitches: SEWN. Expecting something funny here.

63. "I Love Lucy" producer/writer Oppenheimer: JESS. If you say so.

64. Tipped at the casino: TOKED. Never been to Vegas, but makes sense, I guess.

65. Winged archer: EROS. Greek God of love, Roman counterpart: Cupid.


1. Fill snugly with: CRAM IN.

2. Complain: REPINE. Old English pine (pain, torture) with intensifier "re-", to cause pain.

3. Potemkin mutiny city: ODESSA. The Battleship Potemkin, a propaganda film. The Tsar's Cossacks in their white summer tunics march down the Odessa steps in a rhythmic, machine-like fashion firing volleys into a crowd.

4. Argonauts' island refuge: CORFU.

5. Kate's "Charlie's Angels" role: SABRINA. Charlie's Angels.

6. Some booster club members: ALUMNI. Latin alumnus "a pupil," literally "foster son", from a word meaning "to nourish".

7. Byte beginning: MEGA. Prefix meaning one million.

8. Dartboard area: BULLS-EYE.

9. Diminished slowly: ATE INTO.

10. Watch part: FACE. Band, dial, hand, stem, gear, lots of choices.

11. Back in time: AGO.

12. Status __: QUO. "The state in which", so existing state of affairs.

13. Deplete: SAP. "weaken or destroy insidiously," originally "dig a trench toward the enemy's position", from M.Fr. saper, from sappe "spade," from Latin sappa "spade". The sense of "weaken" on the notion of "draining the vital sap from."

21. Martini garnish: OLIVE.

22. Demure: COY. from Old French coi, earlier quei "quiet, still, placid, gentle," ultimately from Latin quietus "resting, at rest".

25. Andean bean: LIMA. Simmonds' "Dictionary of Trade" (1858) describes it as "esteemed," but it has the consistency of a diseased dog kidney.

26. Done: OVER.

27. Mannerly fellow: GENT.

30. Nuclear radiation weapon, for short: N-BOMB. The neutron bomb was supposed to kill people but leave buildings intact.

31. Popularity: FAME.

32. Comment end?: ATOR. Commentator

35. Mark's love: CLEOpatra.

36. Chips and dip, say: NOSH. From Yiddish nashn "nibble,"

37. Twice quadri-: OCTO.

38. Decisive downfall: WATERLOO.

39. Praise: KUDOS. Greek.

41. 1980s sitcom set in rural Vermont: NEWHART. Hi, I'm Larry. This is my brother Darryl and this is my other brother Darryl.

42. Acted snobbishly toward: SNOOTED.

44. PC key: ESC. I use it all the time with my favored Unix text editor. Really messes me up when I have to switch back to using Windows though.

45. Payment for cash?: ATM FEE. I remember when these were first being pushed to be accepted to lower your account fees because banks would save money not having to pay a teller for mundane tasks. They seem to have lost sight of that...

46. Boy scout, at times: CAMPER.

47. Fight combo: ONE TWO. Boxing. Give 'im the ol' one-two, along with 57D. Haymaker consequences: KOS. Knock-outs.

48. Boxer Mike et al.: TYSONS. Hmmm, I think one of those is enough...

53. Desires: YENS. Earlier yin "intense craving for opium", from Chinese (Cantonese) yan "craving," or from a Beijing dialect word for "smoke." Reinforced in English by influence of yearn.

54. Pen call: OINK.

55. British rule in India: RAJ. From Hindi raj "rule, kingdom" c.f. Rajah.

56. Bush whacker?: AXE. The spelling ax is better on every ground, of etymology, phonology, and analogy, than axe, which became prevalent during the 19th century; but it is now disused in Britain. [OED] (but then it wouldn't fit in a LAT crossword puzzle).


Notes from C.C.:

1) I'd like to share with you a baseball themed puzzle Don G made for my birthday. Click here for Across Lite file and here for PDF version. The clues are original & tough. When you're done, click here to see the layered gimmicks. I only got half of the tricks.

2) Here are a few cool pictures from Marti & Dudley's lunch meeting yesterday. Marti has more detailed captions on her photos. Unfortunately they don't show well in the pictures.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

5 Diseases That Can Make Crazy person is

This is not about the actual disease lunatic because of nerve and brain disorders like schizophrenia. But the madness of this disease is a very strange and incurable to make the sufferer very tortured.

As quoted by FoxNews , the people who suffer from this disease seem quaint by the surrounding environment:

1. Addison's Disease
Addison's disease, including the disruption of hormones. The disease is somewhat 'mad' because it can cause death from emotional stress that comes suddenly. This disease can not be cured but can dikendaikan with drugs.

Addison's disease is also called Addison's Polyglandular. This disease occurs because the body is unable to produce adrenaline, a hormone responsible for stress. Without adrenaline, the body organs can not respond to stress make sufferers become emotionally unstable and depressed.

Addison's disease can cause irritability, emotional outbursts and depression because the patient suffered from lack of salt and low sugar levels.

Symptoms appear as chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, loss of appetite, drastic weight loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, low blood pressure causing fainting spells and some areas of the skin changed color to dark.

If it occurs in children the effect would be more severe than in adults. Treatment given is usually in the form of steroids to control the disease.

2. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD / Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy)
The disease is included in a nervous breakdown. People suffering from this disease to be like crazy because of the pain that burns your body like fire. Healing disease is very complex due to appear spontaneously, drugs that are given only reduce the symptoms alone.

RSD sufferers like being tortured every morning wake up because the pain that burns the legs, arms and people feel like being in hell fire. Each would touch something hot and swollen and appear excessive sweating.

The disease is believed to be a chain reaction of abnormal sympathetic nervous system, the body system that regulates blood flow in the skin. This disease can spontaneously disappear by itself but when it arises incredible pain. Many patients undergo intensive treatment over the years only to reduce pain.

3. Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) or Fish Odour Syndrome
The disease is due to a rare metabolic disorder. This disease makes people mad because it causes the sufferer smelling like fish. Although difficult to cure, there are several ways to reduce the symptoms.

Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) or also known as fish odor syndrome, is a very rare metabolic disorder, which causes a defect in the normal production of the enzyme Flavin containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3).

When FMO3 is not working properly or the amount generated is not enough, then the body loses the ability to destroy the trimethylamine (TMA) of the precursor compound in the digestion of food into trimethylamine oxide (TMAO).

The result is TMAU, trimethylamine which eventually accumulate to produce the smell of urine, sweat and breath odor is very strong and fishy.

Although frequent bathing, using deodorant, perfume and cologne are not sufficiently eliminate the smell stuck to the body. As a result, the patient could be sunk psychologically and social life.

There is no medicine to cure TMAU. Patients affected by this disease can only reduce the odor by limiting foods that do not trigger the onset of TMA. But this is quite inconvenient because almost all everyday foods such as eggs, beans, meat and fish contain choline which is an amino acid molecules forming the TMA.

4. Morgellons Disease
Type of this disease is a disorder of the skin. Morgellons disease makes these patients may be mad because it always feels itchy with no known cause. The disease is even debatable whether real or just imagination of the sufferer.

The cause of this disease is unknown because the complained of itching elusive.Patients will usually complain of itching and want to constantly scratching.Patients sure there is something under the skin which can infect such as parasitic worms.

This is what makes someone scratching continues as it seeks to remove the cause of the itch. Patients will be told that he must be scratching continuously to remove these parasites from the skin.

Patients often describe something that is living under his skin as a small fiber.When viewed with a microscope is believed to be white, blue, red or black. In addition, there is also believed in him as grains such as sand, black or white in the skin.

5. Harlequin ichthyosis
It is a genetic skin disease. Usually appears in a newborn whose skin is scaly, hardened and shaped like a diamond. There is no medicine that can cure this disease.

Babies with this condition are born with a hard skin, thick and exceptional drought in nearly all the flesh.

These conditions make it difficult to control fluid loss infants, difficult to regulate body temperature and difficult to fight infection. As a result, many babies like this who are dehydrated or dehydrated and exposed to infection at birth.

Such patients usually die as infants. Only a few patients who survive to adulthood and even then the struggle is very difficult because every time have to apply moisturizer (lotion) into the body. source: right-gila.html

10 Artists Who Never Wear Bra

1.Jennifer Aniston
Jennifer Aniston

2. Megan Fox
megan fox sex
3. Britney Spears
Britney Spears sex
4. Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan sex
5. LeAnn Rimes

6. Sharon Stone

7. Kate Moss
8. Tila Tequila
9. Mischa Barton
10. Christina Ricci


Unique Collection of Hotels and Weird World

Capsule Hotel (where the corpse-like)

Capsule Hotel
The Capsule Inn Akihabara, a hotel unique only in Japan, you try to imagine how to live in such a narrow size 1 x 2 meter-like storage bodies in the morgue, although in these capsul sembit but it was full of amenities.delingkapi mattress, TV, Radio also Wireless LAN (WiFi) in the stakes at a price of 3700 yen per night. Some employees use this kind of hotel for overtime and work well istirahan when they could not leave the office. We have many foreign tourists interested in trying to stay in this capsule hotel.
Capsule Hotel (where the corpse-like)


Propeller Island City Lodge in Berlin, the hotel is strange and somewhat creepy how tidakhotel which has 31 rooms is like in the movies vampire or a vampire that we often see, where we can sleep in a coffin normally filled by a vampire. The rooms are very unique as for may be very suitable for those of you who love to adventure travel hobby.
Hotel with a bed in a coffin like a vampire
Hotel with a bed in a coffin like a vampire


Private island is not only fun for a tourist place but we can also develop as a tourist submarine is very beautiful where we can see many spesias (biota) good underwater coral reefs are very beautiful as well as thousands of fish, marine fish are very charming. Under the sea Poseidon Resort in the coral island resort in Fiji developed a very captivating underwater consists of luxurious villas and suites for those of you who like adventure travel. planned to be opened to the public in 2010.From our room, guests can see the broad view of the sea real.
Hotels with rooms under the sea was beautiful and charming
Hotels with rooms under the sea was beautiful and charming


Dasparkhotel is a hotel in Austria, made the room with the room from the drainage pipes / culverts are commonly used for plumbing. So in the sewers that it was in the design of our beds, cabinets, good lighting and bedding. Prices are set for this inn are very flexible. And they are preparing for a toilet, shower and minibar in room service cafe is also common visitors.
Hotel dengan kamar terbuat dari pipa drainase (gorong-gorong)
Hotels with rooms made of drainage pipes (culverts)


Hotel is located in Sweden is made ​​daribe how big blocks of ice blocks and almost similar to the concept of eskimo house, but very large. The temperature was really cold. Imagine in the lobby of the hotel there are many statues of ice sculpture. While the guests sleep in a sleeping bag ( Sleeping Bag) with a special heating or thermal systems are made ​​from reindeer skin. You can enjoy a glass of vodka and warm Lingonberry interrupted between your breaks.
Hotel Es, sangat dingin dibawah titik beku
Ice Hotel, a very chilled below the freezing point


Hotel created from a former old prison, really feel like we live in a prison but we have the freedom to go out into the cell. Some of the cells and prisons in the hotel lock system is also tailored to the needs of the prison was not the case in general.
Old prison that had been transformed into a hotel
Old prison that had been transformed into a hotel
There are among you who are interested in trying one of them? at all times we try to feel the other nuances of the biasaynya.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011 Jack McInturff

Theme: G-Rated (do they even make those kind of movies anymore??)  The first words of the theme entries could follow the letter "G", thusly:

17A. *Fit perfectly : SUIT TO A TEE. A "G-suit" (or more correctly, an anti-G suit) helps pilots who fly at high speeds to prevent blackouts by inflating air bladders around the legs, thus stopping blood from draining from the brain. Aren't you glad you don't need to know this?

23A. *Sexy beachwear : STRING BIKINI. And very closely related to "G-string", no? Now this is more in line with our DF group. But, my eyes are still hurting from some of the photos that came up when I looked for a link!!  (Just use your imagination here, guys!)

50A. *Behavior made automatic from frequent repetition : FORCE OF HABIT. "G-Force" is what a "G-Suit" is designed to overcome...

62A. *Superhero nickname : MAN OF STEEL.  A "G-Man" is slang for a government man, or FBI agent.

and the unifier:

39. "Gosh!" (or, based on the starts of starred answers, one who is expert at solving this puzzle's theme?) : GEE WHIZ. Hah! I must be a G-reat solver to figure this one out. 

Marti here to help you over the hump day...


1. Sea of __: Black Sea arm : AZOV. GEE WHIZ, don't you hate it when the first word of the puzzle is one you don't know?

5. Parisian pals : AMIS. Ah yes, we are back to yesterday's French lesson.

9. Light bite : NOSH. Yiddish nashn, from Middle High German naschen "to eat on the sly".

13. In-box note, perhaps : MEMO

14. Like candy near the register, maybe : MINTY. Wanted "impulse buy", but wouldn't fit.

16. Hostile to : ANTI

19. Veggie that may be black : BEAN

20. Bone: Pref. : OSTEO

21. Golda of Israel : MEIR.  She was known as the "Iron Lady" years before Margaret Thatcher was labeled with that nickname.

22. "The Wizard __": comic strip : OF ID. Irreverent, often insightful humor by Parker and Hart.

26. White Sox star who played in five decades (1949-1980) : MINOSO. Oh no, not baseball! And more than thirty years ago?

29. Shortly : ANON. Also, what some bloggers are called.

30. Graceland middle name : ARON. Ah yes, interesting story about ARON - Aaron. But we all know that already, don't we?

31. "A horse is a horse" horse : MR ED. From 60's TV comedy.

35. Partner of each : EVERY

38. Seaman's "Help!" : SOS

41. __ volente: God willing : DEO

42. Prepare to be knighted : KNEEL.  Great visual from "Le Morte D'Arthur".

44. Composer Bart�k : BELA. Along with Liszt, considered Hungary's greatest composer, and well-known for his "Night music" style, wherein he imitated the sounds of nature at night in his compositions.  Like this.

45. German coal region : SAAR. Mosel-Saar-Ruhr is also one of the leading wine regions of Germany.  Really, coal??

46. Once again : ANEW

48. Literary alter ego : MR HYDE. "Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", by Robert Louis Stevenson.

55. Buck suffix : AROO. I guess "kang" wouldn't be a great clue, huh?

56. Way to go : ROAD

57. Rosary units : BEADS

61. Unfocused photo, e.g. : BLUR. Or, crossword clues when blogging at midnight...

64. Single : LONE. Hands up for "stag"?

65. Hill on Vail : SLOPE. Vail, Colorado. And they are usually slippery!

66. Gal who gets what she wants : LOLA.  Barry Manilow, anyone?

67. Loose things to tie up : ENDS. Or strings on a bikini...

68. Location : SITE

69. Barbershop sound : SNIP. Huh. "Harmony" doesn't fit.


1. Schoolyard retort : AM SO. Can we quit this schoolyard argument, already??

2. Olympian bigwig : ZEUS

3. Cut out : OMIT

4. Decides via ballot : VOTES ON

5. Latin lover's word : AMO. Love my Latin! (Or, is it "my Latin lover"...)

6. Home of the Heat : MIAMI. Basketball. Will they settle before their potential lockout on Thursday?

7. One __: unlikely chance : IN TEN. If it were the lotto, more like one in one in 593,775, according to my calculations.

8. "Shrek!" author William : STEIG. Unknown.

9. "Lolita" author : NABOKOV. Known.

10. Clooney/Pfeiffer comedy : ONE FINE DAY. Got meh reviews.

11. Washday challenge : STAIN. No, my washday challenge is just getting all the stuff from the bedroom down to the basement laundry room.

12. Delhi language : HINDI

15. __ Buena, town that became San Francisco : YERBA. Total WAG.

18. Little tykes : TOTS

24. "City of Seven Hills" : ROME. Nailed it. Been there, seen them.

25. Don Juan's mother : INEZ. In Lord Byron's poem, Don Juan is not a womanizer, but one who is easily seduced by women.

26. Halloween cover-up : MASK

27. Press : IRON. Who thought of gym, and "pump"?

28. Act like a snoop : NOSE AROUND. Fun clue, great fill!

32. Confederate : REB

33. Lady in the flock : EWE. Hah, didn't fool me. I knewe it wasn't you!

34. UPS rival : DHL

36. Enjoy the library : READ. Well, I think most of us here enjoy reading. But, between the Nook, Kindle, iBooks etc., are we in danger of losing this sacrosanct institution of our youth? 

37. Time past : YORE. As in, "yore late"?

39. Elated feeling : GLEE. Or, a wildly popular (with "Gleeks", anyway) TV show.

40. Foot in a poem : IAMB. I amb what I amb...or, the "beat" to a poem. Like ka-BOOM,  where the accent is stressed on the second syllable. Thus, iambic dimeter (two iambic "feet", or measures) would sound like:
the WAY / a CROW
shook DOWN / on ME...
I'll leave the rest to CA.

43. Extras for a cheering crowd : ENCORES. Loved this clue/answer!

45. Former Jewish settlements : SHTETLS. Hated this clue/answer!

47. Squirmy bait : WORMS. eeewwwww....

49. Barbecue fare : RIBS. OK, now you're talkin' DH's language!

50. Aesop work : FABLE

51. Sweater synthetic : ORLON. I never know if it's going to be nylon, rayon, or orlon! So, let's move...ON

52. Stable newborns : FOALS

53. Vietnam's capital : HANOI. Map, for anyone who wasn't around in the 50's-60's-70's.

54. Take as one's own : ADOPT

58. Long, long time : AEON. Ages, anyone?

59. Bagels and lox seller : DELI. Mmmm...I could go for some right now.  Maybe I'll ask the guys in the SHTETL if they want some, too...

60. Blow with a palm : SLAP. V8 can on this one when it finally emerged. Or, a slap upside my head.

63. ATM charge : FEE. No charge for this blog. But you can contribute to my amusement fund by using PayPal at
Thanks for letting me share this one with all y'all!


Notes from C.C.

1) Here are two lovely pictures of MJ's grandson Drake. She said "These photos of Drake are very telling about why I am not posting daily on the blog, although I still read the blog most mornings, and  very much appreciate all those who parse the daily LAT puzzles for your site." Here is her family picture we showed last August when Drake was 5-month old.

As some of you are aware, our local paper doesn't carry LAT crossword,  so MJ mailed me the precious first one Don and I collaborated, the whole LA Times Calendar section carefully padded between stiff boards. And  a few more later. Thanks, MJ.

2) Happy Birthday to Barry G!
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