1.Village With 100 Identical Twins
No wonder the teachers at the school received an additional assignment to memorize his students one by one.The twenty pairs of twins were same sex and are identical twins.Teachers are often wrong when greeting them by name.Moreover, each pair of twins are distinguished only by parting.
One of the twins said the birthmark on the neck is one of their distinguishing features.The rest they are nearly the same.Villagers Kodinji a Muslim majority also said the presence of twins in the village was not unusual.They would beg for the privilege granted by the Creator.
Most twins are also born in the same hospital.According to a local hospital gynaecologist, for 10 years he worked there were 100 to 150 twins.Five or six of whom are triplets.That fact gave birth to the mystery that invites to be further investigated.
One of the twins said the birthmark on the neck is one of their distinguishing features.The rest they are nearly the same.Villagers Kodinji a Muslim majority also said the presence of twins in the village was not unusual.They would beg for the privilege granted by the Creator.
Most twins are also born in the same hospital.According to a local hospital gynaecologist, for 10 years he worked there were 100 to 150 twins.Five or six of whom are triplets.That fact gave birth to the mystery that invites to be further investigated.
2.Unique Village Residents Have Only One Person

Is a man named Don Sammons (60th) who are used to living alone.At home?No!He lived in a strange village that only has a population of one person, namely himself.Alone!
Buford Village is located in Wyoming, Colorado, hilly region with low temperatures especially in winter.This village had been abandoned by its inhabitants who chose to live elsewhere to seek a better life because they feel this area will not be able to develop.But not so with the Sammons Grandpa chuckled to remain there even if alone.
Sammons left the Los Angeles epidemic in 1980 with his wife and child and choose settled in Buford who was then still inhabited by about 2000 workers, railroad.When his wife died 15 years ago, his son who is now 26-year-old chose to move to the city of Colorado.
Sammons manages own a small gas station and a store to serve those who stopped by the cross-country trip."In one day I visited the store in summer 1000, but decreased to 100 people in the winter," said Sammons who claimed himself as king in Buford.
3.Village Residents With Mental retardation
A total of 445 residents in three villages namely Patihan, Pandak, and Sidoharjo, Ponorogo, East Java, mentally retarded or an idiot.The condition is believed to have occurred since the 1970s.When the prolonged drought that occurred on the slopes of the hills Rajekwesi which initiated a catastrophic poverty.The three villages are adjacent only separated by a cluster of hills Rajekwesi.Sidoharjo village on the slopes of the north, the village of Karang Patihan on the eastern slopes, while Pandak village located in the southeast.But the distance between villages in the tens of kilometers separated forests and limestone hills.
Village Chief David Coral Patihan Cahyono said, since the drought hit, the condition of villages around the hills became barren and chalky.Not a few residents who are malnourished, iodine deficiency, resulting in ignorance.
Head of Nutrition Section of Health Office of Faith Sukmanto Ponorogo justify it.According to him, one of the causes of hundreds of residents of mental retardation is iodine deficiency is found in many salt or soy sauce.To avoid the case of an idiot not to continue, Ponorogo regency health office and continue to disseminate to the public nutrition improvement, including the distribution of iodized salt free of charge to all citizens.
It is hoped the new generation in the region no longer suffering from mental retardation.
People with severe idiots who are elderly and could not move at all, district government plans to provide compensation periodically until the patient is discharged.
4.Village Crab
A village whose citizens have a physical abnormality is found in Hamlet Ulutaue, Mario Village, District Mare, Bone, South Sulawesi.There, dozens of people suffering from abnormalities in the toes and hands.Starting from the bottom up to five years of age, their fingers split in two to resemble crab claws.
SCTV watchlist, on Monday (7 / 2) Hamlet Ulutaue, both children and adults have the fingers cut in half and sometimes only has three knuckles.As a result, if enabled, they are similar to the crab fingers.The phenomenon they regard as a curse for those who come from the same lineage.
However, they never shy with other village residents.Even this has become as common as their destiny.Could be, strangeness occurs because of the lack of nutritional intake since the age of the womb.Understandably, their daily work hanyalan fishermen.Ironically, until now not a single medical team or even treat the government as precisely examine the residents in the village.
Due to peculiarities in their fingers, some residents of other villages there who feel disgusted to hang out with them.Not only that, their village was given the designation 'Crab Man Village "by locals.
5.The village has a population of Polygamy
In American law, polygamy is a crime.But for the 1200 citizens of Centennial Park, a small village in Colorado Arizona-polygamy be a dream.Even the girls just want to share a husband when married someday.There may be a moderate in the middle of controversy about polygamy, that polygamy is a choice and deal.Even in the United States asserts that polygamy is a crime, the practice of households with two or more of the love was still there.Around 1200 residents Centennial Park, a small village near the Colorado, shows that they are polygamous also with their own reasons.Unlike the majority of U.S. citizens, they called the community All-American Families (All American Family), in the truest sense.
As Ariel Hammon, 32, who married Helen, 30, who gave him seven children, then married Lisa, 20, who gave him two children.For Ariel and his two wives polygamy means adding manpower to build new homes."Residents in Centennial Park had built a new house near the main house in just two days.That's because many children, many volunteers, "said Ariel told ABCNews.Jealous of love to share?"We never thought about it, precisely this is what I dreamed long ago," says Helen, a former student Ariel like Lisa."I have no problem Ariel are married, I consider it a bonus," added Lisa.
Some residents who were asked about sex, admitted uncomfortable.According to them, the teens while maintaining virginity before marriage and forbidden kiss.And in the middle tergerusnya morality as result of the free sex in the U.S., Centennial Park tend to be introverted and suspicious with strangers."Because religion forbids (premarital sex)," said one resident.
A teenage daughter, Michelle hopes one day for example will give her virginity right people."No matter if my husband had six or seven wives.The man does not belong to us, we also can not prevail against it.No matter how many wives he wants, no problem as long as it is the will of God, "said Michelle.
Ariel also assess the program Big Love on HBO television depicting intrigue, jealousy and mutual dropped between the wives, rather than actual reality.Ariel assess the most important thing is to maintain the integrity of the household and raising children that sex is not a priority."For sex, must steal time because many children at home.But sex is an expression of love, much love in this place, "said Ariel.
6.The village population is Living Without Clean Water

More than 40 years residents Wangon hamlets, villages Kubangsari, District Ketanggungan, Brebes, Central Java, living without clean water.They feel unworthy of living in the country's independence.The village has a population of more than 2255 people are living without clean water.
Clean water is like rare items that are difficult to obtain.While local governments as a blind eye to the difficulties of its citizens.
It was said that this village is cursed because there is a grandmother grandmother who asked for drinking water to the village but could not give us nothing.
The government wanted to construct boreholes to obtain clean water, unfortunately the results are worth it.
7.Village Without Mattresses
kasuran hamlet is one of the hamlets in the village district margodadi sayegan, sleman.At first glance difference emang gak gan laen same hamlet, but one thing that distinguishes the majority not sleep on mattresses.
This tradition has already lasted down through the generations since the days of the ancestors, and not only adhered to by people who are already elderly, but also young people and children.Meyoritas residents only sleeping mats or cots are not a mattress there.
This habit is certainly not without reason, not myth of rules that residents slept on a mattress is an order of Sunan Kalijaga.This hamlet was once emang never visited Sunan Kalijaga when traveling to spread the religion of Islam.Sunan Kalijaga walk from Godean toward the north, among others, through the hamlet Grogol and Tuksibeduk.Arriving at around 13:00 to 14:00 Kasuran Sunan Kalijaga feel very tired.Then he asked for one people to deploying the mattress to rest.
When will resume the journey, Sunan Kalijaga advised that residents should never sleep on a mattress.The message is still carried out until now, not only for natives but also for new residents.
Then what if violated?according to the recognition of the locals will usually happen strange things.As happened in the 11 students who are learning in this area, before they've told about the unwritten rule that the public trust, but we did not know if they was really believe or just nodded but inside refused.As a result by midnight 4 students screaming hysterically, his friends thought that four men entered the wind, after dipanggilkan their condition remained the same doctor, after dipanggilkan elders before they can be calm.
Another story, one of the residents Kasuran small children to sleep on a mattress.Unbeknownst to the child why the sudden onset of high fever, crying and screaming for no apparent reason, after putting to sleep in 'jogan' (floor) just stopped crying.
source : http://jelajahunik.blogspot.com/2011/06/7-desa-terunik-di-dunia.html
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