Popobawa is one-eyed creatures and have a big penis.It is said that this creature likes to stalk women and men in Zanzibar, Africa.These creatures can change shape, can be animal or human.These creatures are usually targeted and sodomized his prey at night, and no distinction between men, women, and children
9.Trauco and La Fiura

This creature comes from Chiloe, an island in southern Chile.These creatures have the strength to gaze to paralyze women before having sex with them.These ugly creatures depicted and shaped like a goblin with wearing a headscarf and robes.Communicate with these creatures sniff.Some reports said that these creatures do not have to deal directly with victims, but enough with his eyes can make the victim pregnant
8.Succubus and Incubus

Succubus is a demon woman flawless draw that could tempt the men to have sex with him.It is said that this creature believed to be a reflection of human sin associated with sex on women.
Incubus is the male version of the Succubus.Incubus will drain energy and absorb the energy of the victims.Unlike the Succubus, Incubus Incubus impregnate his victim with a seed.And so one day her baby was born, the baby had no pulse and no breathing.It was only after 7 years old, her baby to be normal and attractive and have a high intelligence.According to legend, the wizard Merlin was believed to result from the relationship between Incubus and human

In Brazil, the Amazon jungle region, dolphins in the river Boto believed to have the power to change form.Creatures that would evolve into a handsome man called Encantado.Encantado will invite a woman into the river, and transformed back into a dolphin, and then impregnate the woman.The women were aware of any local young men who wear hats, because according to legend, Encantado always wear a hat to cover its original form

In Jewish folklore, Lilu is a demon who likes to visit the woman in his sleep.Lilu is a female version of Lili.The devil is a source of concern because their mothers are also known to abduct children.Lilu and Lili likes to visit their victims at night to produce seed for continuation of the brand race

In the northern region of Hungary, reputedly known creature called Liderc.Creature was hatched from a black chicken eggs, and often hidden in the bag.This creature entered the victim's house through the key hole.Once inside, this creature was dubbed the man who dimiripkan with victims relatives.These creatures raping his victim and then made his home became extremely dirty before leaving.Some reports say, sometimes Liderc become comfortable with the victim and would not let go.To this day, has become a habit for children in Hungary to step on and break the eggs out of a black chicken to avoid the creatures that
4.People Oil

In 1960, many women experience rape in several places in Malaysia.The culprit was described as naked, and her whole body covered with oil.Some people say that The oil can not be seen by a woman who was not a virgin.In the panic, many young women start wearing sweat and smell in order to deceive people think they are oil men.Some speculation says that man is only human Petroleum ordinary criminals who smeared his body with oil to be elusive as well as camouflage at night
3.AlpThis legend comes from the folklore of Germany.Alp is a small creature that looks like a dwarf who entered the victim's body through the nostrils, mouth, or vagina.Once inside, the Alp has the ability to control the dreams of the victim and creates a nightmare.The victim will feel like not breathing so was up
2.Angels (the West)

According to Jewish book, Nephilim are a race of giants the result of the relationship between angels and humans.According to the story, that the former officials angel down to earth to teach humans about kindness.And after centuries, many of the angel who is interested in women on earth and have sex so as to produce the Nephilim.Over time, the Nephilim were able to do great evil and sin.Seeing this, God's wrath, and ordered the Angel Gabriel to fight them until extinction

According to the outstanding issues, many cases of abduction by aliens, and many of them admitted having sex with aliens.A man from the village in Brazil named Antonio, in 1957, he admitted was abducted by aliens and placed in the room in which there is a beautiful woman and she was forced to have sex with him.Howard Menger admitted often have sex with Marla, a beautiful woman 500-year-old blonde from outer space.In 1970, a 19-year-old girl claimed to have been raped by six blue-legged creatures like humans.She was raped after witnessing their spaceship landed.
Due to lack of evidence on the matter, many people who ignore reports like that and instead menganganggap that the claims of aliens such a hallucination of these people.
source : http://haxims.blogspot.com/2011/06/para-mahluk-gaib-yang-suka-berhubungan.html
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