Our earth consists of land and sea, And the comparison between the two is 1: 3.This means that we lautam wider than daratanya. And we divided the water area into several oceans and seas, And of all the oceans, there are 10 of the largest ocean.What are the ocean, let us refer
1. Pacific Ocean, with an area of 165,385,450 sq. km.
2. Atlantic Ocean, with an area of 82,440,830 square km.
3. Indian Ocean, with an area of 73.44 million sq. km.
4. Antarctic Ocean, with an area of 14,004,030 square km.
5. South China Sea, with an area of 2.9861 million sq km.
6. Mediterranean, with an area of 2.97 million square km.
7. Caribbean Sea, with an area of 2,525,640 sq. km.
8. Bering Sea, with an area of 2.27 million square km.
9. Mexico Sea, with an area of 1,513,460 sq. km.
10. Sea of Okhotsk. With an area of 1,527,650 sq. km.
source: http://jelajahunik.blogspot.com/2010/07/10-lautan-terluas-di-bumi.html
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