Thursday, July 7, 2011

20 Wild Plant is safe to eat

flowering plant is grown in the wild in the open field across Europe. Distinguished by a pointed leaf, thistle can serve as a potherb delicious. Only a sharp cutting edge leaves, peel the root and use salt water to boil for cooking the plants.

2. Mushrooms

Before you begin to gather wild mushrooms, identification of poisonous species that grow in your area. Although most edible, it's better to play safe. Also, never eat raw and stay away from mushrooms that have been damaged by insects

3. Watercress

Potherb perennial is usually grown near bodies of water, so make sure sources of clean water before consumption. Since the water lettuce can be eaten raw, you have to do is cut the stems and rinse with cold water.

4.Common Chickweed

is an annual plant produces a different flower, star-shaped. Leaves and stems are edible and can be eaten raw. Usually regarded as an annoying weed, Common chickweed is a rich source of potassium and calcium

5. Wild rice

is high grass growing in large colonies on the banks of the river and can be easily plucked and transported with the help of a canoe or small boat. Similar to a reed on a regular rice, rice is a source of protein, and stem and root buds and seeds can all be eaten


cosmopolitan genus is easily found in the wilderness. The seeds are edible, and the dried flower heads can be used to brew tea. You can eat the leaves raw, just immerse them in the first salt water to aid digestion.


biennial thistles it thrives in open meadows and gardens, but they are not a useless weed. You can peel and eat raw leaf stalks, and roots are edible too. Be careful not to one of these plants with belladonna, a poisonous


flowering weeds are running rampant across the country, and seeds, crowns, roots, leaves and flower petals are all edible


milkweed can be eaten but can potentially contain cardiac glycosides, which are toxic. So, it is essential that you prepare these wild plants carefully before dikonsumsi.Rendam whole plant in water and rub with a cloth young shoots. You can then boil them. Seed pods can be eaten as well


high monocot is growing in or near bodies of water. Peel the outer layer to reveal the white core buds, use clean water to rinse them off and eat the tender shoots raw or cooked. High starch content, they also eat roots


Yucca most often found in dry climates, and the petals can be eaten raw. The fruit is found on the trunk can also be eaten raw, as long as the white flesh12.Persimmons / persimmon Considered the "fruit of the gods" by the ancient Greeks, this citrus fruit usually grows on trees in temperate regions. Soft when ripe, persimmons can be eaten raw, and you can also roast the seeds to make coffee.

13.Prickly Pear / pear cactus

cactus like this thrives in dry soil, and both his pad and pears can be eaten. To eat pad, cut back with a knife, roast them and peel the outer layer. Eat pears, just peel the skin only.


Bulrush usually grows in or around swamps, and its roots, stems and seeds of all food, whether cooked or raw.

15.Lamb 's Quarters

Many people misinterpret this annual crops such as grass worthless, but Lamb's Quarters is actually edible and very nutritious. The seeds can be used as a healthy snack and leaves similar to spinach when cooked.


resembles in appearance and smell of onions, leeks wild usually appears during spring deep in the woods. Both the leaves and tubers of edible and can be eaten raw, steamed, fried or baked.

17.Wild Carrot

Even harder than the one you buy at the grocery store, wild carrots grow on dry land, and its roots can be eaten. Just be careful not to mistake with a similar toxic species such as water hemlocks and fool's parsley.


These plants usually grow less in the body of standing water. Attached to the roots of water plants, which resemble potato tubers should be peeled and then baked.

19.Spring Beauty :

Appears at the beginning of the season, thrives in moist forest. Just pull the narrow leaves protruding from the ground to remove the tuber, peel the outer layer, washing, cooking or consumption of raw.

Onion 20.Wild

Found in a variety of terrain, such as rocky slopes, meadows and forests, wild onion odor and taste similar to regular onions. Just remove the outer layers and bring to a boil in a pan of salt water


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