10. The House Of Lies

In the ancient Persian religion of Zoroastrianism, after the death of the first soul to cross the bridge and met a young woman who represents the personification of their actions in life. If the deceased had led a good life, she looks beautiful, while to the sinner so horrible otherwise. Could not be better for them, either: sinners and then thrown into the House Of Lies, in which the damned continue to eat "rotten food. These include carcasses, spoiled food, as well as pus or blood is dirty. This place is also dark, very smelly, and betatapun many residents, in this place everyone will feel alone and lonely
9. Irkalla

To achieve this lower world, which berrasal from Babylonian mythology, who died first - all must pass through seven gates, the dead must bribe guards the gates each with a piece of clothing or jewelry.
Just why are they so eager to get there a little puzzle puzzle, because the inside is a stretch of dark, dreary where everyone is forced to eat and drink dust alone, and not much else to do.
Also, all the people there wear fur for some of the most distressing alasan.Hal of hell Babylon , although it does not really have a great punishment for mistakes - everyone goes there, except for a few heroes,.
8. Helheim

This is the final destination for the Vikings who had the misfortune not to die in a glorious death. Unlike most modern version of Hell, Helheim is very cold. The entrance is guarded by four-eyed dog was covered in blood, called Garmr, and the whole place was being watched by a giant eagle called 'the vultures' wings creates an icy wind.
As if that was not bad enough, a Viking that his actions are very bad go into an area under Helheim, called Niflhel, darker and cooler.
7. Avici, Hell Without Interval

If you are a Buddhist Holy Land, this is the worst kind of hell, so bad that you can only get there by doing one of the five 'great sin': You have to kill someone who is very holy, Buddha , or your parents own.
Avici While technically not eternal, hell it does not end up trillions of years, which must seem longer when you are facing endless punishment.
Hell is surrounded by a wall of iron, and iron snakes, and dogs of iron fire-breathing. The inhabitants of hell this could actually die in there, but is reborn (reincarnated) in the same hell, and it happens over and over - again.
6. Narak

According to Hindu scriptures, hell is divided into at least twenty-five according to the sinful nature that brings people to it. And what happened in each place, one hell of nature is called 'Diarrhea' and another called the 'Wilderness of swords and daggers'. In some versions of Hindu hell, hell dwellers were forced to conduct their own punishment, such as the rise and fall of thorn trees that could tear him to pieces.
5. Kasyrgan

In Mongolian shamanism, soul go assessed facing Erkil Khan, the prince of hell.If they are more bad deeds than good, they were sent to the hell known as Kasyrgan, where they are boiled in the black asphalt in a giant cauldron. The most innocent people trapped there forever, but people who have done at least some good in life may be increased gradually towards the surface of the pan, until the crown of his head reaches the surface.
The people in heaven who benefited from the good deeds in life, then it can send the spirit special and helped the Fire with their hair, to pull it toward heaven.
4. Black Thread Hell

Black Thread Hell is reserved for the slanderers, liars and people who mistreat their parents. Sinners are marked with black lines, and then cut along the lines of TSB with a saw flames.
But if you sin in different ways, do not worry! Hell this book was featured in describing a total of sixteen hell, 8 'cold hell' and 8 'hot'.
The other version has a name according to the type of torture, such as 'Hell Destruction' (punishment for cruelty to animals) and 'hell Screams' ( punishment for theft.)
3. Hell Swedenborg

Emanuel Swedenborg, Swedish philosopher who was born in 1688, has a series of vision at age 53 where she was 'visiting' Heaven and Hell.
His vision of the Christian hell are unique: according to Swedenborg, looks like the city, dirty slums. The condemned can go anytime, but no desire for it.
Their suffering is not based on external punishment, but on the fact that they are filled with violent desire. Churches that embrace the vision and philosophy of Swedenborg there to this day.
2. Mictlan hell

After death, the Aztecs on the way down to continue the epic journey of four years, the mountain overlooking the deadly attempt to destroy them, the devil, and the cold wind that can cut them like knives.
Again, it is difficult to say why they try so hard, because where they eventually reached a grim world ruled by the god Mictlantecuhtli, the framework is covered in blood and wearing a necklace of human eyeballs. Cheerful home is surrounded by bats, spiders and birds hantu.Lebih worse, Mictlan bit like Helheim and Irkalla, because you do not have to do evil to go into here.
The soldier and the woman who died in childbirth went to heaven version of the Aztec, as well as people who died by drowning or hanging. In other words, if you are a member of the Aztecs and worry about your afterlife, may not be wise if you learn to swim.
1. Tartarus Hell

According to ancient Greek, Tartarus is far below the world in Greek lands, "Hades," as heaven from earth. In Tartarus, the people who have committed a terrible sin given sentences sesuai.Sebuah famous example in the Tantalus, who was still alive when he kills his own son and sacrifice to the gods, among other crimes.
As punishment, he was forced to sit next to delicious food and drinks that he previously could not eat or drink.
Hell is not eternal for everyone: with a note, those who have sins are not so bad was sentenced for one year, and then washed out of Tartarus in one large river that flows through it. They will end up in Lake Akheronian, which reached the other shore, beyond the hell, and from the water begging people who have been harmed in their lives to let them go.
If they agree the victims, sinners join them on the beach, otherwise they were swept back into Tartarus, and the situation is repeated until the victim they finally relented and let them out of Tartarus. ... such as parole hearings.
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