1.Ines Ramírez, Born 1960 .. Operation Cesare Sectio
Ramirez Pérez living in rural Mexico Rio Talea inhabited only by 500 people and there is only one phone.
At midnight 12 o'clock he was constantly in pain, no one who is at home.Ramirez decided to operate himself. by drinking alcohol He then grabbed a bottle of 15 cm with a knife and start cutting. through skin, fat and muscle, and after operating on her for achieving one hour, from the womb he pulled out bayinya.Ia said he cut the umbilical cord with a pair of scissors.
A few hours later to find the village health assistant Ramirez and her baby beside her with a healthy baby's condition . He was then taken to a nearby hospital eight hours away by car.

2.Aron Ralston, Born 1975 ... Right Hand Amputation
Ralston is a mountaineers and American mechanical engineer. In 2002 when he was alone at the Blue Canyon canyoneering, he fell with the first right-hand position. After five days he felt his arm was numb kananya, Using the blade he cut the soft tissue around the break and then with the pliers he tore the tendon nya.Akhirnya free, Ralston was still eight miles from the truck. Finally he met with other hikers and given food and water. Aron eventually transported to St. Mary's Hospital in Grand Junction Colorado for surgery.
3.Douglas Goodale, Born 1965 Amputation of right-handed ....
In 1998 Douglas Goodale 35 years is a fisherman from Maine, haul lobster pots from the bottom laut.ia amputate his own right hand by way of sawing under the sea because his right hand caught in the LIR.

4.Dr Leonid Rogozov, Born 1937 .... Operation Appendictomy
the age of 27 Doctors Soviet Leonid Rogozovwas in Novolazarevskaya base in Antarctica. The doctor was suffering from acute appendicitis and more severe.Because without the help of planes and bad weather throughout the day, doctors decided to do surgery on himself.

5.Sampson Parker, Born circa 1960 .. Amputation of right hand
Parker In September 2007 a farmer from South Carolina was doing corn harvest, and tiba2 his hand stuck in a series of rollers that strip jagung.ia tried to shout and ask for help, but no single person who comes into a secluded place near the field in Kershaw County. he tried to pull away, but not berhasil.kemudian he pulled his pocket knife and cut his own hands.

6.Joannes Lethaeus, Born circa 1620 ...
Surgical removal of bladder stones weighing 4 ounces.
It may be that this will attract mainly because this operation alone occurs over 360 years ago. Dr. Nicolaes Tulp was a Dutch surgeon and the Mayor of Amsterdam.Just below is the text of the book "Observationes medicae" In this he explains Joannes Lethaeus who was a blacksmith who managed to perform Lithotomy surgery performed on him. The picture above is also of Dr. Tulp books and featuring a stone is lifted from his own kidneys and the blades used.

7.Dr Evan O'Neill Kane, from 1862 to 1933 ... Appendictomy and Operation Inguinal Hernia
Dr. Evan O'Neill Kane was a pioneer in the medical profession and Chief Surgeon of New York City's Kane Summit Hospital. Kane wanted to PROVE to the world That Often general anesthesia was unnecessary for minor operations. He used Himself for a test case and operated on Himself removing his own appendix using only local anesthetic. Dr. Kane Himself propped up on the operating table with a mirror over his abdomen and three other doctors in the operating room as backup. Kane made the large incision needed to remove the appendix and his assistants sutured him up. (This was before new techniques allowed doctors to the make small 'Band-Aid'-size incisions for appendix removal). Then, in 1932, at age 70, Dr.. Kane performed an even more complicated surgery on Himself to repair an inguinal hernia. Because of the close proximity to the femoral artery it was a particularly delicate operation the which Kane performed it in just under two hours.

8.Deborah Sampson, from 1760 to 1827 ... Extraction of Musket Ball
Deborah Sampson was Actually Mentioned in the "Top 10 Men Who Were Really Women "list as a notable omission. In 1782 Deborah Sampson was enlisted in the Fourth Massachusetts Regiment of the Continental Army. Going by the name of Robert Shutleff She was strong and tall enough to look like a man and it was thought SHE did not have to shave Because She was a very young man. When her unit was sent to West Point, New York She was Wounded in a battle nearby.She was taken to a hospital to be treated but snuck out so That She would not be discovered to be a woman. She operated on herself and removed one of the musket balls out of her thigh with a penknife and sewing needle. When She recovered from her wound She went back to her Regiment. The next time Sampson was Wounded her doctor found out She was a woman and in 1783 he Arranged for her to be discharged from the Continental Army.

9.Amanda Feilding, Born 1943 ... Trepanation
Amanda Feilding is a British artist and scientific director. Feilding suffered from a condition That left her feeling exhausted and spent years looking for a reputable surgeon WHO would perform a technique known as trepanning. This is a procedure where a tiny portion of the skull is drilled into to allow blood to flow more easily around the brain. Eventually She gave up and at age 27 She decided to do the surgery herself. She was equipped with a dentist's electric drill operated by a foot pedal She then taped dark glasses to her face to stop the blood running into her eyes. She first made an incision with a scalpel and then drilled, the drill bit dipping in water every so Often to cool it down. She lost almost a liter of blood but She was pleased with her surgery. Over the next four hours She noticed herself rising up with a feeling of elation and relaxation. Feilding says, "I went out and Had steak for supper, and then I went to a party."

10.Dr Jerri Nielsen, Born 1952 ... right breast tumor biopsy
In early March 1999, Dr. Jerri Nielsen discovered a lump in the right chest .

source: http://woamu.blogspot.com/2009/08/10-orang-yg-mengoperasi-dirinya-sendiri.html
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