10. Self-Injury
Self injury (hurt / injure yourself) can be defined as an act of mutilation (truncate) in the body or body parts on purpose, not for the purpose of suicide but as a way to vent their emotions too painful to be expressed in words. Self injury can be cut, scrape or burn the skin, or mememarkan body through accidents that have been planned in advance. In cases of more extreme they even break their own bones, take the dangerous goods, to amputate their own bodies, or inject poison into the body.
Christina Ricci
self-injury |
9. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is one form of clinical anxiety disorder characterized by obsessive behavior (should be - and without tolerance), which is associated with compulsive behavior (doing things over and over again). Compulsive behavior is intended to soothe obsesifnya behavior.
8. Sleep Disorder (Insomnia)
sleep disorder most highlighted here is almost rata2 insomnia.karena these artists are very hard to find time tidur.mereka benar2 working tirelessly, even almost 24 hours. Insomnia is a symptom of sleep disorders in the form of recurrent difficulties to sleep or maintaining sleep, although there is a chance for it. The symptoms are typically followed by functional impairment while awake. Insomnia is often caused by an illness or due to psychological problems. In this case, medical or psychological assistance will be required. Justin Chambers is one of the artists people with insomnia. In which channel I watch, say if Justin Chambers never slept only 2 hours a week .. Even the death of the Joker, aka Heath Ledger also had been linked with the consumption of an overdose obat2an distinguished him so he can sleep ..Justin Chambers
Heath Ledger

7. Hoarding Obsession
obsession for nimbun barang2 who actually not useful anymore, so ngebuat residence into a kind of "trash" .. usually orang2 (artist especially ..) feel affection for ngebuang benda2 tsb because the results of their hard work .. probably hoarding it msh related Obsession with OCD .. source: Compulsive HoardingDelta Burke
Obsession hoarding example:

6. Post partum Depression
Postpartum depression, Postpartum depression (PPD), is a form of clinical depression which can affect women after childbirth. Effect of postnatal depression on each person is different. But there are some symptoms that could Mom be aware, for example: • Experiencing a panic attack or anxiety. • Constantly concerned with the health or safety of mother even feared by the people close to the mother. • Feeling that she is a mother or a bad person. • Continuing to experience the feeling devastated. • Often feel like crying for no apparent reason. • Want to continue sleeping but never feel calm. • It was hard to sleep. more info: PPDGwyneth Paltrow
Brooke Shield

5. Bipolar Disorder
Bead-Depressive Illness Symptoms (Bipolar disorder) Manic-depressive illness usually begins with depression and include at least 1 episode of mania in the history of the disease. Episode of depression lasts for 3-6 months. In the most severe form of illness (bipolar disorder I), depressed punctuated by severe mania. In the form that is not too heavy (bipolar II disorder), brief episodes of depression interspersed with hipomania. Forms of the lighter is siklotimik disease, where the period of excitement and depression is not too severe, lasts only a few days, and relapse in irregular intervals. info: Bipolar DisorderBen Stiller
Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia - "Star Wars"
4. Bulimia (Eating Disorder)
It is a mental illness characterized by excessive eating and dangerous. SYMPTOMS: -Excessive Worry against weight gain -Eating large quantities and then spit out Chronic sore throat- -Thinning enamel -Irregular bowel habits -Swelling of the salivary gland -There can be a severe weight loss. the cause is not known for certain, but it is expected caused by concerns that very, very against obesity. This time her young artists who have Bulimia ..
Katherine McPhee (American Idol)

3. Starving to be Thin (Anorexia)
Anorexia is a psychological disorder that affects a person in the form of lack of appetite despite the fact that hunger and taste of food. Or it could also be regarded as an activity to attenuate the body by way of deliberate food restriction and strict control. Basically, the people are very hungry but afraid to eat because it can lead to weight gain. The desire to be thin may be because there are a few things, some of them are not satisfied tehadap yourself, consider yourself unattractive, or perhaps because of environmental pressure that is always taunted the victim "fat". And it turns out the artist is ..anorexia:

2. Agoraphobia
confused if not artists, but panicked when outside the home? nah that's kira2 agoraphobia. fear of a foreign environment / outside, so sometimes infected scared out of the house .. source: AgoraphobiaKim Basinger

1. Depression
Depression is a medical-psychiatric condition and not just a sad situation, when the condition of depression a person to cause disruption to their daily social activities then it is mentioned as a disorder Depression. Some symptoms of disorder Depression is a feeling of sadness, excessive fatigue after a normal routine activity, lost interest and enthusiasm, lazy activity, and impaired sleep patterns.
Kirsten Dunst (face another depression ..)

source: http://satriasputra.blogspot.com/2010/04/10-penyakit-mental-artis-hollywood.html