10. Lufthansa (1978): U.S. $ 5.8 Million

Robbery at Lufthansa in 1978 was planned by Jimmy Burke, a Lucchese crime family associate, and accompanied by some friends. It started when a bookies, Martin Krugman, told Henry Hill (relatives of Burke) of millions of dollars that are not detected. Once a month the money was taken and the money changers tourists in West Germany and stored in the storage of money at Kennedy Airport. This information is derived from Louis Werner, airport workers who owe it to Krugman $ 20,000 in gambling. The robbers only spent 64 minutes and is the largest cash robbery in America at that time.
9. Dunbar Armored (1997): U.S. $ 18.9 Million

Dunbar robbery is the largest cash robbery in the United States. It happened in 1997 in a protected facility with a strict Dunbar in Los Angeles, California. Robbery was planned by Allen Pace, who worked for Dunbar as a regional safety inspector, along with five of her childhood friend on September 13, 1997. Allen Pace was arrested and jailed for 20 years. Just a little money that is returned, approximately 10 million dollars still remain untracked.
8. Brinks Mat warehouse (1983): U.S. $ 45 Million

Events Brinks Mat gold robbery occurred on November 26, 1983 when six robbers infiltrate the Brinks Mat warehouse at Heathrow Airport, England. The robbers estimate they will just steal the money of 3 million pound sterling, but when they arrived, they found 10 tons of gold equivalent of 26 million pounds. The robber was helped by a security guard Anthony Black, is the brother-in-law of the mastermind, Brian Robinson, and the robber gang led by Michael McAvoy.
Robinson and McAvoy sentenced to 25 years in prison, while Black 6 years. 3 tons of gold is still not tracked. And every man who wore gold jewelry purchased from the British after 1983, likely is the Brinks Mat gold.
7. Northern Bank (2004): Employee Bank Robbery Threatened To Assist U.S. $ 50 million

Northern Bank robbery is a robbery that big money in the center of the Northern bank in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The robbers stole £ 26.5 million on December 20, 2004, and make it as the biggest robbery in British history.
Financial advisor, Ted Cunningham, from Cork was found guilty of laundering more than 3 million pounds which proved to come from the robbery.
6. Banco Central in Brazil (2005): U.S. $ 69.8 Million

On the weekend 6 and 7 August 2005, a group of hoodlums who allegedly is the Gang of the Tattooed / Primeiro Commando da Capita, dig a hole-aisle up to the Banco Central in Fortaleza. Robbery event is still unknown until the bank opened for business on Monday morning, 8 August.
On 22 October the mastermind, Luis Fernando Ribeiro (26), was arrested in Camanducaia 200 miles west of Rio Dejainero. Five others were arrested on 28 September with 5.4 million dollars. So far the authorities have found the 7 million dollars, and 63 million dollars is still missing.
5. Great Train Robbery (1963): U.S. $ 74 million

The Great Train Robbery was the name given to a train robbery by 2.3 million pounds on 8 August 1963 at Bridego Railway Bridge, Ledburn near Mentmore in Buckinghamshire, England.
A group contains 15 people, chaired by Bruce Reynolds and including Ronnie Biggs, Charlie Wilson, Jimmy Hussey, John Wheater, Brian Field, Jimmy White, Tommy Wisbey, Gordon Goody and Buster Edwards, stole 2.3 million pounds in the '£ 1, £ 5 and £ 10 notes', which is equivalent to 40 million pounds (74 million dollars) now.
Although no firearm used in the robbery, the driver Jack Mills, was hit in the head with an iron pipe. 13 of the group members were arrested after police found fingerprints at their residence in Leatherslade Farm, near Oakley, Buckinghamshire.Ronnie Biggs escaped from prison, and live in melbourne Australia, and later moved to Rio Dejaneiro. Charlie Wilson escaped and lived outside of Montreal, Canada in Rigaud Mountain. Just because of Wilson's wife who made the mistake of calling her parents in England that caused him to be tracked.
4. Kent Securities Depot (2006): USD $ 92.5 Million

Security depot robbery is a robbery that occurred on the morning of 22 February 2006, precisely between 01:00 and 02:15 in the UK. At least 6 people detained and threatened the family of the manager, and bind the 14 staff, and stole 53 million pounds in the Securities Cash Management Ltd. depot in Vale Road, Tonbridge, Kent.
The perpetrators, Emir Hysenaj was sentenced to 20 years in prison, Stuart Royle, Lea Rusha, Jetmir Bucpapa and Roger Coutts was sentenced 15 years in prison.
3. Knightsbridge Security Deposit (1987): U.S. $ 111 million

Knightsbridge Security Deposit robbery occurred on 12 July 1987 in Knightsbridge, England. 2 people entered the Knightsbridge Safe Deposit Centre and his request to hire sebua safety box. Once disclosed to the storeroom, they issued a firearm and arrested the manager and security guard. They opened all the existing safety box and totaled approximately 111 million dollars.
Police track down robbers Valerio Viccei as chairman after the examination of fingerprints at the scene. Viccei and his friends were arrested after a robbery on 12 August 1987. Then Viccei write a book about the robbery.
2. Boston Museum (1990): U.S. $ 300 Million

Several hours after the celebration of St. Patrick in Boston on 18 March 1990, two people dressed in silence police guard the entrance from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum at 1:24 am.
The stolen paintings are: 3 works of Rembrandts, including "Storm on the Sea of Galilee ',' The Concert" by Vermeer, bronze pottery from China, 'Landscape with an Obelisk' by Govaert Flinck, five Degas sketches, Eagle statue made of bronze, and Manet portrait.
1. Central Bank of Iraq (2003): U.S. $ 1 Billion

On March 18, 2003, days before the U.S. started to attack Baghdad, nearly 1 billion million dollars stolen from the Central Bank of Iraq. This is one of the biggest bank robbery in history. Approximately 650 million dollars was found later in a hidden wall in the residence of Saddam Hussein by U.S. troops, and the remaining money is not tracked.
In March 2003, a handwritten letter signed by Saddam issued, requesting 920 million dollars to be issued and given to his son, Qusay. The bank clerk state that Qusay and strangers to take your money denominations of $ 100, transported to the truck for 5 hours. Qusay later killed by American soldiers.
source : http://hermawayne.blogspot.com/2011/04/10-perampokan-dengan-jumlah-kerugian.html
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