In this list we are close to some areas of the most interesting and the factsare related den gan chess which makes it one of the game is most popular.History is long and has produced dynamic chess players around the world - according to The Chess in the Olympics Campaign, "605 million people around the world know how to play chess."Here are 10 things the most interesting / facts about chess:
10.History Of Chess
10.History Of Chess

Chess has a history of a very long and honorable. It is believed to have originated from India in the Gupta empire, and then made its way to the West in the 9th century. Of course there is progress that differ between the periods of the past andpresent, who have made chess today.
For example, lets pawn two squares forward from its original position only introduced in the Year 1280 in Spain. Pawn promotion rules are limited for some time, like in the 18th century and 19 when it is confined to parts of the previous capture. Of course, now a pawn may be promoted to a horse, castle, knight, or queen.
9.Short and Long GamesIn chess it is amazing to predict how short or long a game.
To pasan gan the first fastest is as follows: 1. f3 e5 2. f3 e5 2. G4 Qh4 + + is known as Fool's mate (there are other variations from hand to mouth gan this).
and yes, draw or withdrawal may occur before the step begins, which may occur in the case scenario standings or tournament players who do not appear when his game, respectively.
The longest tournament chess game lasted for 269 steps (20 hours, 15 minutes),which ended with the theoretical seri.perkiraan to longest game varied and extreme (5,000 more steps), which complicated den gan special rules ( and play bad!), namely rule 50 steps and 2 times pengulan gan .
8.Sang Queen of the DynamicMaybe there is a list of top 10 only on the queen, who has undergone a number of changes throughout history.Starting from a pawn can only move diagonally, then can move both ways - andfurther along the road, plainly able to move like a knight.
Of course now, fortunately, the queen can move diagonally, horizontally, andvertical den gan lain.Awalnya idea of the scope of this step is the queen of "Fers," a counselor or prime ministers, advisers raja.Orang the Europeans later changed in the Year 1400 become part of the strongest in chess.
7. Can You Play Chess den gan eyes closed?

chess den gan closed eyes are real and documented in the notes to this dunia.Hal like it sounds: players making all the moves without seeing papan.Biasanya no "middle man" kind to give and receive step for the game.chess den gan eyes closed is a skill that suggests that many chess players whopossess this talent.This of course requires the ability keen to see the chess board den gan clear, whichcan be difficult after a lot of games like this bergerak.Rekor solved the Year 1960 in Budapest by the Hungarian Janos Flesch, who played 52 opponents simultaneously while blindfolded - he won 31 times from 31 games.
6. Infinite possibilitiesAfter three steps - that is three steps by each party (each "move" in chess consider the steps by the White and Black) - there are more than nine million more possible positions.
perhitun gan has made similar, if you are mathematically inclined, see Shannon number to estimate the complexity of chess.
The possibility of adding beauty in chess. You definitely do not have to worry about from the position of the same when you play, which lends importance of pattern recognition and position-specific strategies.Den gan other words, you have to think that every game of chess does not have a pattern of steps is equal to one another
5. Tactics Opening theory of chess walking surface den gan well as den gan endless possibilities of opening catur.Sebuah defined as a series of steps to start the game, which can include many variations of the different sub.
There are more than 1,000 openings are different, including variations in loading time is greater that we can learn. The opening is an aspect which is also unique from chess. It also allows the chess player a way to "prepare" to face the opponent, or play chess den gan their style.
For example, there are various types of defense that one can learn in accordance den gan aggressive style of play or position, namely King's Indian, or Queen's Indian defenses respectfully D4.
4. The beginning of chess and boxing
6. Infinite possibilitiesAfter three steps - that is three steps by each party (each "move" in chess consider the steps by the White and Black) - there are more than nine million more possible positions.
perhitun gan has made similar, if you are mathematically inclined, see Shannon number to estimate the complexity of chess.
The possibility of adding beauty in chess. You definitely do not have to worry about from the position of the same when you play, which lends importance of pattern recognition and position-specific strategies.Den gan other words, you have to think that every game of chess does not have a pattern of steps is equal to one another
5. Tactics Opening theory of chess walking surface den gan well as den gan endless possibilities of opening catur.Sebuah defined as a series of steps to start the game, which can include many variations of the different sub.
There are more than 1,000 openings are different, including variations in loading time is greater that we can learn. The opening is an aspect which is also unique from chess. It also allows the chess player a way to "prepare" to face the opponent, or play chess den gan their style.
For example, there are various types of defense that one can learn in accordance den gan aggressive style of play or position, namely King's Indian, or Queen's Indian defenses respectfully D4.
4. The beginning of chess and boxing

For chess variant broad market surprises and variety. There are several variantsthat alter pawns, board, and any of the three chess boards placed on top of each other.
You can even put two chess boards side-by-side and playing crazy - where you take a piece and tan gan to the opponent for placement.
Chess boxing has appeared in several of the past, mixing in a round of boxing for the time that has been determined on the chessboard.
You fall on one front and you kehilangan.Ini bring another aspect that attracted to the chess world and its variants, which certainly appeals to some people to find new variations.
3. Computer Chess Players
You can even put two chess boards side-by-side and playing crazy - where you take a piece and tan gan to the opponent for placement.
Chess boxing has appeared in several of the past, mixing in a round of boxing for the time that has been determined on the chessboard.
You fall on one front and you kehilangan.Ini bring another aspect that attracted to the chess world and its variants, which certainly appeals to some people to find new variations.
3. Computer Chess Players

Chess on the computer now part of a very important part of chess. the most famous Garry Kasparov, world champion and is known as one of the strongest players in the history of chess, was defeated by the IBM Deep Blue in the Year 1997 in pertandin gan six-game.
In addition to claims of fraud, this is a big surprise to the world of chess.
In the year 2006 world champion Vladimir Kramnik defeated by Deep Fritz, the statement continued strength of computer chess.
Current chess programs are easily available for chess players are essential in analyzing and improving permainan.Mereka generally equivalent in strength thesame den gan grandmaster.
2. Chess and Your BrainChess is often cited by psychologists as a way of effective to improve memory function.It also allows the mind to solve problems which the complex and work through ideas, it is no wonder that chess is recommended in the fight against Alzheimer's. Some argue that it can increase a person's intellect, though it is a topic that is more complex.
The effects of chess on young individuals has led to chess being introduced in the school district and various countries. It has been shown to increase the value of children and other positive effects.
1. Of the Turkish Chess Machine

Turkish chess engine created the 18th century. that the victim is deceived some people like Napoleon Bonaparte and Benjamin Franklin, it's actually not a machine.
Including the construction of a complex that includes methods to hide its operator, human chess player is placed on this box.
When the machine is in the secret fire was discovered, and the chess engine of Turkey continues to be another story is interesting in the history of chess.
Including the construction of a complex that includes methods to hide its operator, human chess player is placed on this box.
When the machine is in the secret fire was discovered, and the chess engine of Turkey continues to be another story is interesting in the history of chess.
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