They are:
1. Batman

Batman is the incarnation of a Milliuner named Bruce Wayne. He decided to become evil exterminator, when Bruce witnessed his parents were killed at the hands of a robber.
Bruce also traveled the world looking for the meaning of life while you study almost all disciplines, and of course learn martial arts. Master Bruce who can mengasahnya become a powerful fighter is Rash Al Gul. But unfortunately Bruce in the end feud with Rash due to the difference principle.
To live her role as a superhero, Bruce chose to become the most feared figure of the days of small, Bat. And so was born Batman (Bat Man).
Batman operate (on duty) every night. With the ability Ninjutsu martial arts style, which ciamik combat vehicles, and equipment of modern milliter, Batman is actually just ordinary people who seem so terrifying to his enemies. He maintains a distinguished planned how it works, silently, and sprinkle a little magic trick for his opponent thinks he has super strength. Meanwhile, to cover the action at night, Bruce chose imaged himself as a rich man who hooked debauchery.
2. Iron Man
Originally Tony Stark is a genius, rich, and proud owner of a large company. But all that changed when the militia group kidnapped her in the middle east. Militia groups that assume Tony is responsible for the destruction of their country by American troops. Tony eventually taken prisoner and was asked to make sophisticated weapons for the militia to mernghancurkan for allied forces.
When the process of making orders militia weapons, the idea of Tony tiba2 blaze to escape. He made a super bulletproof clothes, heavily armed, and can fly. With creations that armor, Tony was finally able to escape.
After returning home, Tony developed armor and wear it to cope with the criminals.
3. V (V for Vendetta)
V born pd rampant dictatorship period. At that time, the authorities tried to instill doctrine pd fascist society. All religions are prohibited unless sanctioned by the state religion. Similarly, with works of art. Society can only run what was ordered by the authorities.
V which is nothing but a victim of government experiments in the past, appears and tries to spread propaganda on the public to fight (known as "propaganda by deed").To launch the action, V is also mengkader some students. With the goal, the idea will not die even though he was dead.
At its peak, the character who wore black clothes and masks Guy Fawkes as credentials, successfully menjaankan action. Yg sdh community fed up with fascism, to follow his line to take action towards the parliament building. By planning the measured V collapsible blow up the building on November 5, as the collapse of dictatorship and fascism.
4. Zorro
In the current state of America was not quite like the current, power struggles are still common. Mainly occurred in areas close to other non adlh Mexico Spanish colony. The Spanish nobility attempted harshly to the ruling in California.
In reaching his power that the Don did not JRG torture and enslave the little people.To that was a Don named De La Vega is here to help the people who oppressed.
De La Vega disguising himself by using a mask which he later known as Zorro. A hero with acrobatic skills above average, and the ability of the master sword.
5. Green Arrow
Because a lot of input from all I decided unt Kaskuser replaced with Green Arrow Daredevil. The reason Daredevil has a distinguished sense of hearing too super.
Green Arrow himself is a distinguished character adapted from Robin Hood. His real name Oliver Jonas "Ollie" Queen. He relies on his skills in archery and martial arts to combat crime.
6. Punisher
Frank Castle adlh former FBI agent who was disappointed with the firm post dibantainya Frank family. Frank who was officially declared dead and then trying to get revenge by becoming the Punisher. One time, Frank hit an all-out Billy Russoti, a mafia boss. Billy who was seriously injured later determined to take revenge on Frank or The Punsiher. Billy then regroup and called himself Jigsaw. This time Frank had to act fast before Jigsaw makes the damage worse. Unfortunately, Frank's business is so not easy because the FBI's hunt for The Punisher also considered working outside the law.
7. The Nite Owl II
Nite Owl II has the knowledge and experience in the field of technology. He is the successor Nite Owl, superhero Minuteman member, who is a predecessor organization Watchmen superhero. In the figure, Nite Owl who real name is Daniel Dreiberg it has an interface similar to Batman. She wore a brown costume with a robe and golden headdress. Nite Owl is the hallmark of his mask in the form of an owl's head.
8. The Phantom
Phantom adlh heroes of all ages. He there began the era of pirates until the millennium century full of modernity. Are Phantom immortal creature? The answer is no. Phantom actually there are dozens of people. And each person representing each generation. With other words, the work to become a Phantom is due to inheritance.
Phantom costumes brbeda each generation is not far away. They wear purple clothes and black masks. Distinguished difference is the weapons and vehicles they use. Phantom in the first era prefer a knife as a weapon. But the Phantom in the millennium era wearing a laser gun as tools to eradicate the enemy.
9. Snake Eyes
Snake Eyes is the most unique characters in GI Joe. Tangible Ninja, Snake Eyes never speak ill. In addition to good sword, Snake Eyes jg Wushu martial arts master.
Hushfully passed his childhood. He adlh gelandanga child who is often forced to steal food. Until one day he stole at a college. The action was caught by Thomas Arashikage. Thomas was so furious and promptly taught him. But the ban and instead receive his teacher Eye Sneke small to be disciples.
Because the Master is more dear to the small Sneke Eye, Thomas was jealous. He was eventually finish his master's life. As an adult, Thomas joined the evil organization and called itself the Storm Shadow. Storm Shadow is who were the sworn enemy Snakeeye.
10. Robin Hood
Robin sbenarnya LBH adlh distinguished figure renowned as Batman's partner. He is trained Batman. Although the tub teachers and pupils, Bruce Wayne (Batman) and Dick Grayson (Robin's first) has the character who is almost opposite. Bruce is more serious, uncompromising, well planned, allows for trkadang he looks sprti ill feelings. Dick Sdngkn LBH sperti relaxed and careless youth in general.
Because that's the difference principle, Dick decided to escape the shadow of Batman dr. He traveled around the world as a distinguished prnah done by Bruce.Upon his return he made superheronya own identity, Nightwing.
Robin alone there are 5 people, who apertama adlh Dick Grayson who eventually became Nightwing. Both adlh Jason Todd who died were killed by the Joker. And then he lived longer, but turned into an enemy. Followed by Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown (who also Batgirl), the last Damian Wayne (son of Bruce Wayne)
Bruce also traveled the world looking for the meaning of life while you study almost all disciplines, and of course learn martial arts. Master Bruce who can mengasahnya become a powerful fighter is Rash Al Gul. But unfortunately Bruce in the end feud with Rash due to the difference principle.
To live her role as a superhero, Bruce chose to become the most feared figure of the days of small, Bat. And so was born Batman (Bat Man).
Batman operate (on duty) every night. With the ability Ninjutsu martial arts style, which ciamik combat vehicles, and equipment of modern milliter, Batman is actually just ordinary people who seem so terrifying to his enemies. He maintains a distinguished planned how it works, silently, and sprinkle a little magic trick for his opponent thinks he has super strength. Meanwhile, to cover the action at night, Bruce chose imaged himself as a rich man who hooked debauchery.
2. Iron Man

When the process of making orders militia weapons, the idea of Tony tiba2 blaze to escape. He made a super bulletproof clothes, heavily armed, and can fly. With creations that armor, Tony was finally able to escape.
After returning home, Tony developed armor and wear it to cope with the criminals.
3. V (V for Vendetta)
V born pd rampant dictatorship period. At that time, the authorities tried to instill doctrine pd fascist society. All religions are prohibited unless sanctioned by the state religion. Similarly, with works of art. Society can only run what was ordered by the authorities.
V which is nothing but a victim of government experiments in the past, appears and tries to spread propaganda on the public to fight (known as "propaganda by deed").To launch the action, V is also mengkader some students. With the goal, the idea will not die even though he was dead.
At its peak, the character who wore black clothes and masks Guy Fawkes as credentials, successfully menjaankan action. Yg sdh community fed up with fascism, to follow his line to take action towards the parliament building. By planning the measured V collapsible blow up the building on November 5, as the collapse of dictatorship and fascism.
4. Zorro
In the current state of America was not quite like the current, power struggles are still common. Mainly occurred in areas close to other non adlh Mexico Spanish colony. The Spanish nobility attempted harshly to the ruling in California.
In reaching his power that the Don did not JRG torture and enslave the little people.To that was a Don named De La Vega is here to help the people who oppressed.
De La Vega disguising himself by using a mask which he later known as Zorro. A hero with acrobatic skills above average, and the ability of the master sword.
5. Green Arrow
Because a lot of input from all I decided unt Kaskuser replaced with Green Arrow Daredevil. The reason Daredevil has a distinguished sense of hearing too super.
Green Arrow himself is a distinguished character adapted from Robin Hood. His real name Oliver Jonas "Ollie" Queen. He relies on his skills in archery and martial arts to combat crime.
6. Punisher
Frank Castle adlh former FBI agent who was disappointed with the firm post dibantainya Frank family. Frank who was officially declared dead and then trying to get revenge by becoming the Punisher. One time, Frank hit an all-out Billy Russoti, a mafia boss. Billy who was seriously injured later determined to take revenge on Frank or The Punsiher. Billy then regroup and called himself Jigsaw. This time Frank had to act fast before Jigsaw makes the damage worse. Unfortunately, Frank's business is so not easy because the FBI's hunt for The Punisher also considered working outside the law.
7. The Nite Owl II

8. The Phantom

Phantom costumes brbeda each generation is not far away. They wear purple clothes and black masks. Distinguished difference is the weapons and vehicles they use. Phantom in the first era prefer a knife as a weapon. But the Phantom in the millennium era wearing a laser gun as tools to eradicate the enemy.
9. Snake Eyes

Hushfully passed his childhood. He adlh gelandanga child who is often forced to steal food. Until one day he stole at a college. The action was caught by Thomas Arashikage. Thomas was so furious and promptly taught him. But the ban and instead receive his teacher Eye Sneke small to be disciples.
Because the Master is more dear to the small Sneke Eye, Thomas was jealous. He was eventually finish his master's life. As an adult, Thomas joined the evil organization and called itself the Storm Shadow. Storm Shadow is who were the sworn enemy Snakeeye.
10. Robin Hood
Robin sbenarnya LBH adlh distinguished figure renowned as Batman's partner. He is trained Batman. Although the tub teachers and pupils, Bruce Wayne (Batman) and Dick Grayson (Robin's first) has the character who is almost opposite. Bruce is more serious, uncompromising, well planned, allows for trkadang he looks sprti ill feelings. Dick Sdngkn LBH sperti relaxed and careless youth in general.
Because that's the difference principle, Dick decided to escape the shadow of Batman dr. He traveled around the world as a distinguished prnah done by Bruce.Upon his return he made superheronya own identity, Nightwing.
Robin alone there are 5 people, who apertama adlh Dick Grayson who eventually became Nightwing. Both adlh Jason Todd who died were killed by the Joker. And then he lived longer, but turned into an enemy. Followed by Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown (who also Batgirl), the last Damian Wayne (son of Bruce Wayne)
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