Virginia Dare is just one of many people (87 men, 17 women and 11 children, to be exact) from the island of Roanoke, one of the British colonies in America who disappeared without a trace. What is notable about Virginia, is that he is the first child of English parents born in America. In fact, in fact, Virginia's grandfather, John White, was the first to discover that the colony was lost. In 1587, John sailed back to England to seek assistance and supplies to the colonies. When he returned again in 1590, everything was gone except for an inscription carved CROATOAN on a tree.
Theodosia Burr Alston, 1812
Theodosia was the daughter of Vice President Aaron Burr. He underwent a very fascinating life until 1812. In addition, he is known as America's most educated women at that time, he married a wealthy landowner and politician and has a son who is called by the name of his father. In 1812, Theodosia tired of appealing on behalf of his father. He was acquitted of treason and decided it is better to spend time in Europe. Theo merencenakan to return when his son died. He still has not fully recovered from the shock when he climbed into the Patriot in Georgetown to meet his father in New York. Unfortunately it never happened. Once aboard the Patriot, and Theodosia ship was never seen again. Of course, most theories say that the boat sank in a storm. But some legends say the Patriot was captured by pirates, who make Theo and his shipmates orang2 walking the plank. Another version of this is that Theo was forced to become mistress of a pirate.
One theory is somewhat credible is one that involves a Karankawa Indian chiefs. He allegedly found a broken boat on the beach and found Theo, chained to the bulkhead and naked except for a gold pendant engraved with her name. She saved him and he said that he was the son of a very important and if the chiefs had met with the whites, he must give him the locket
Benjamin Briggs and the passengers and crew of the Mary Celeste, 1872
One of the most interesting part of the ship Mary Celeste is because the ship was found, but without passengers.
Mary Celeste might have been doomed from the start, the first captain died on the way first. He was released on his final journey on November 5, 1872, from Staten Island to Genoa, Italy. A month later captain of the Dei Gratia, who knew Captain Benjamin Briggs, seen floating along the Mary Celeste to Gibraltar Strait. Although the ship was just floating, flying no distress signals. Some of the Dei Gratia crew went to the Mary Celeste in a small boat and climbed onto it. It was wet boat, but in good condition. sekocinya missing and apparently deliberately released. A supply of food and water for six months was abandoned, along with all documents except the ship captain's notes.
The most plausible theory on the basis of the charges brought Mary Celeste - there are more than 1,000 barrels of alcohol. When the ship was unloaded, was found nine empty barrels. The theory is that when the charge was opened, nine barrels leak resulted in a gust of smoke that leads to believe the captain of the ship will explode. He's basically fear, ordered everyone to get into the boat and forgot to secure the lifeboat to the ship.
Another theory is that there are crew members drinking alcohol, killing the captain and stole the boat to escape.
Lighthouse keeper in the islands Flannan, 1900
In December 1900, the lighthouse keeper at Flannan Islands disappeared off the coast of Scotland. It was first recorded when a ship through a lighthouse on the 15th and saw the lights were not working. This is then reported, but apparently nothing was done until a few crew with equipment to go to the lighthouse on 26 December.When no one came out to greet them, they entered the lighthouse and found the entrance gate and main doors closed, the bed unmade, the clock stops and an overturned chair in the kitchen. The island is seriously looking for the presence of the guards or clues to their whereabouts, but the only thing found was some damage caused by the storm. While this may seem like a clue, a note left by the guards declared this storm occurred before they disappear.
Northern Lighthouse Board concluded that those people were drowned and swept into the sea. Rumors circulated, one of the guards kill two others, then drowned himself because of guilt. The existence of sea snakes are also possibilities, along with the prospect that they had been abducted or attacked by a group of spies or attacked by a ghost ship?
Dorothy Arnold, 1910
Dorothy is the daughter of a wealthy perfume importer and nephew of the Assistant Judges of the Supreme Court. A year earlier, he had spent a week with a man who will cause a major embarrassment to the family of Arnold when it is publicly known, so instead of reporting her daughter missing, her father was doing its own investigation through the Pinkertons. Six weeks later, he gave up and called the police. The man who saw it, George Griscom, Jr., thought that Dorothy might have committed suicide after his writings rejected by the magazine. Teman2nya think he killed himself because Griscom would not marry her. And his father thought he had been abducted in Central Park. Other issues outstanding that she was pregnant and died during a failed abortion. So far, no one knows the truth must be because there is no evidence of any kind has ever appeared.
Amelia Earhart, 1937
Aims to circumnavigate the world, Amelia Earhart took off with the plane, Electra from Miami with navigator Fred Noonan on June 1, 1937. After many stops, they ended up in Lae, New Guinea on June 29. They have completed a good move on their way - about 22,000 miles. Only 7000 miles remaining of the journey that counts. On 2 July, the couple toward the island of Howland, who turned out they had taken a bad step. Communications cut off and they disappear. The search carried out one hour after the last communication Amelia.
Clearly, they never found, despite a large search effort involving fund $ 4 million, the Navy and Coast Guard. Their efforts include the search of Gardner Island (now Nikumaroro) which has been uninhabited for more than four decades. Since then, several artifacts have been found on Nikumaroro including a piece of clear Plexiglas with a precise thickness and curvature as the window size Electra and a shoe looks like a shoe sembilanyang Amelia.
Some theories about his departure was quite interesting. Many Oran think he might spy for FDR and the Japanese might have anything to do with his departure. For example, in 1966, CBS correspondent published a book that says Amelia and Fred were arrested and executed when they fell on the island of Saipan. Other books published include a statement of a daughter of a Japanese officer who claimed his father had been executed Amelia own.
One writer even claimed that Amelia was completing the flight, returning to the United States and began living under a pseudonym - Irene Bolam. Real Irene Bolam, was sued for $ 1.5 million and swore that she was not Amelia Earhart. Studies since then show that he was telling the truth.
DB Cooper, 1971
In November 1971, DB Cooper (or Dan Cooper) hijack the plane, demanding a ransom of $ 200,000, and jumped out of the plane after he accepted it. He was never found, but some hints that appear after many years. In 1980, a young boy found nearly $ 6,000 in $ 20 denominations on the banks of the Columbia River, in areas where Cooper jumped. In 2007, the FBI announced that they could get some DNA from the tie that Cooper left behind on the plane. And, lastly, a few older children found the parachute buried near Amboy, Washington.
The FBI does not think Cooper survived the flight, when he jumped out, the plane was going through a bad storm. More than 400 soldiers from Fort Lewis to help the search with the foot to find any trace of Cooper, but no one ever found even the slightest evidence does not exist. Although the fractions $ 20 given to Cooper was not marked, the FBI has compiled and set them with a specific serial number range so easily traceable. A newspaper in Portland offering $ 1,000 to whoever the first person who can bring one of the money, hoping that Cooper had been spending it, but no one has ever emerged.
The babushka Lady

Behind the assassination of John F. Kennedy, a mysterious female figure who appears in many recordings and photographs during the shooting of John F.Kennedy became a mystery in itself. The agents have been deployed to find the mysterious woman who has been photographing the incident for questioning as a witness in the shooting of John F. Kennedy. But she never found again. He has vanished like a swallowed by the earth.
In the event the shooting of John F. Kennedy in 1963, babushka Lady is the term given to a mysterious female figure. Babushka from Russia itself is a term given to this mysterious figure of a woman because of her appearance in photographs that showed him seen wearing a long brown coat, and scarf on the head like a worn old ladies in Russia.
Babushka Lady seen by several witnesses was holding the camera. He is also seen in a film documentary of the Muchmore and Zapruder. Babushka lady was watching the panic seen at the time by standing on the grass between Elm and Main streets, 44 to 49 seconds after the shooting with the camera was still on his face. Babushka lady looks very striking because they still can remain standing while photographing at the time other witnesses is being run shelter by the sound of gunfire. After the shooting ended, the babushka lady then looked across the street Elm and join the crowd. Babushka lady was last seen in the photographs was walking eastward on Elm street carrying pictures of their own documentation.
Police and FBI have been deployed to search the babushka lady, but to no avail.Police and the FBI never found the babushka lady, as well as photographs taken from angles that portrayed by the babushka lady, never appeared to the public even though the FBI and police have urged the public that they urgently need photographs relating to the incident shooting from the community.
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