Wednesday, June 8, 2011

10 most popular alcoholic beverage in the world

10. Absinthe

is the result of fermentation of the plant that is named Artemisia absinthium , the alcohol content of 74% till it is said, the marketing and sale of these drinks on average in European countries, began to french, czech rep, swiss to spain ..

9. Jager

composition from alcohol, sugar cane, sugar beet, j Amu and spices. different from the composition, this drink is said to have a sweet taste. beverage marketing areas except in Germany are also marketed in Denmark, hungarian and czech republic ...

8. Wine

humans have made this drink since 5000 tauhn ago .. fermented composition having an alcoholic strength of wine between 8% - 15%. ahampir pemasaranny area covers the whole world, while the most famous wine production such as France, Italy, Spain, the United States, Argentina, Germany, Australia, South Africa, Portugal, and Chile ...

7. Sex on the Beach

a whiskey cocktail with the composition of vodka, peaches, orange juice and cranberry juice.

6. White Russian

is a kind of cocktail with a sweet taste that has a composition of vodka, coffee liquer (usually Kahlua or Tia Maria), and also the cream ...

5. Margarita

The most common tequila-based cocktails, made with tequila mixed with triple sec and lime or lemon juice, often served with salt on the rims ..

4. Tequila

is a distilled beverage (distillation) is made from agave plants. named after the tequila because it is the tequila-producing region, which lies 65 kilometers northwest of Guadalajara, Mexico. disajiin usually use salt and lime.

3. Vodka & Orange

mix vodka and orange juice. vodka itself is one alcoholic drink with a fairly high level, which is about 40%, which dbuat distilled from fermented wheat ..

2. Rum & Coke

mixture of rum and coke. rum is an alcoholic beverage fermented and distilled from molasses (molasses) or sugarcane juice which is a byproduct of sugar industry.Rum distilled in the form of clear-colored liquid, and is usually saved for the experience of maturation in the barrel made of oak or other wood species. Largest rum producer in the world are the Caribbean and countries along the Demerara River in Guyana, South America. In addition, the rum factory is in other countries in the world such as Australia, India, Reunion Island. Rum consists of various types of alcoholic different. White Rum is commonly used as a cocktail mixer. Rum dark golden brown and used for cooking, baking, and also mixing cocktails. Only high quality rums are usually drunk without a mixer or plus plain ice cubes (on the rocks).

1. Beer

an all alcoholic beverages produced by fermentation process starchy material and not through a process of distillation after fermentation. Brewing beer-making process is called. Because the materials used to make beer differ from one place and another, then the beer characteristics such as flavor and color are also very different both in types and classification. One of the oldest man-made beverage, ie since around 5000 BC which was recorded in written history of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Although in general the beer is an alcoholic drink, there are several variations of the Western world in its processing waste almost the entire content of alcohol, making what is called a beer without alcohol.


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