Wednesday, March 9, 2011

10 Myths Origin of Mankind

10 Myths Origin of Mankind

Indeed, in human culture and nan long term, the ancients regarded the origins of human evolution and the formation of the universe is a mysterious feeling, something strange. Communities all over the world to create various kinds of tales about the origins of mankind. Here are ten myths.

1. Norway: Giant Human Ancestor Death Creates Millions of Materials
In the myth of Norway, before the earth appears there are two worlds: "Muspell is a place of light and heat, they take a very hot fire, who is not native from there will not be able to survive. Surt sits at the border Muspell, keeping that land with a burning sword. At the end of the world he will defeat all the gods and burn all the world with fire.

Outside Muspell lies a large and yawning emptiness Ginnungagap name, Ginnungagap located in the dark, cold scope of "Niflheim", "Niflheim" is a land of cold and frozen. Ice, snow, wind, rain and heavy cold emanated from Niflheim, met in Ginnungagap is a soft air, heat, light and soft air of Muspell. When chilled and frozen from Nifheim and fire embers from Muspell touching, there was a melt droplets, fluid flow is moving into human ancestors giant Ymir.

Ymir slept soundly. Under his left arm grew a man and a woman. And one of his legs and the other boy arise. This is the beginning of the beginning of a giant man who melts. The liquid is then turned into snow giant cow called Audhumla. four rivers of milk flowing from the teats of milk and she watered the Ymir. The cow licked salty ice is frozen. After a day, he frees the hair of a man from the ice. After two days, his head appears, on the third day the whole body of the man emerged, his name Buri, he's tall, strong and handsome.

Buri had a son named Bor, Bor Bestla married the daughter of a giant human. Bor and Bestla has three sons: Odin, villi and Ve '. It is believed that Odin was the ruler of heaven and earth. He is the largest and most popular among all men.

When Ymir fell, blood flowing from his wounds which flooded, until all of the giant frozen liquid, except the giant Bergelmir, he fled with his wife by climbing to the Lur (the empty tree in it and can function as a boat). From there the family develops a giant liquid.

Bor boys then took to the middle Ginnungagap Ymir and created the world from him.From his blood they made the seas and lakes; of the meat made the earth; of her hair made the trees, and of his bones are made of the mountain. They are made of stone and gravel from the teeth and tusks and tulangya destroyed.

Dwarfs occur from Ymir meat and become alive. With their Lord's command to get an understanding of man and appeared in between, even though they live on earth and in stones. From Ymir child tenggorak Bor created the heavens and set it on top of the sky with four corners, in every corner they put a dwarf, whose name is East, West, North and South. They took the stars and burning embers that flew past after detonates Muspell them, and put them in the middle Ginnungagap to provide light to the heavens and under the earth.
They then put the location of the star. Earth is surrounded by a sea of deep, Son Drilling provides land near the ocean for a giant family residence. To protect them from enemy giant, the son of Bor and then make a handle using a forehead island Ymir, they named it Midgard. When walking along the beach, the son of Bor found two trees, he then creates a pair of men and women from the tree.

Odin gave spirit and life in men and women. Villi give them understanding and strength to move, Ve 'give them clothes and names, which he called Ask (Ash) and a woman called Embla (Elm). From Ask and Embla reduce racial man who lived in Midgard.
In the midst of this world Bor child build a strong fortress to their name Asgard, the next generation is called Troy. God and his family lived in Asgard, many have fond memories of events happening here. In Asgard, there are bigger names Hlidskjálf building. Odin sat there on a high chair. From there she could see the whole world and can see what each person. He understands everything he sees.

Odin married Frigg, the son of Fjörgvin. This family became all the families who inhabit the ancient Asgard and became his own empire. Members of this family called the Æsir, and they are all gods. There's a reason Odin is called the father of all. He is the God and Father of all men of all created by her strength. Earth is the daughter of Odin and his wife. They had a son named Thor firstborn. Powerful and strong character of Thor. By this he dominates all life.

All people who are told to know, God made a bridge from earth to heaven called Bifröst. Some call it the rainbow. He has three colors and is very strong, when compared with other structures he built with dexterity and high intelligence, but very strong, he would drop out if the child Muspell ride. God will not be angry if the structure is broken. Bifröst is a good bridge, but in this world nothing can be relied upon if the child is at war Muspell. Sanction of the Lord is the Ash tree is Yggdrasil.They held court daily. Yggdrasil is the best and most majestic of all trees. Branch has grown into the world and climbed to the top reaches heaven.

2. Persia: The Myth of Religious Worship of Fire (Zoroastrianism)
The most high god Ahura Mazda in the Persian myth created the world, Alborz Mo., Alburz mountain grown 800 years finally reached the heavens. From there it rained and the sea forming Vourukasha and two major rivers. The animal world's first white buffalo live on the edge of the river Veh Rod, but the evil god Angra Mainyu Persians killed him. Seedlings were taken to the moon and purified, created the animals and plants.

Across the river lived the first man, Gayomard shine as the sun. Angra Mainyu also killed him. Ouch! Sun purify the seedlings for 40 years, then grow kelemabak plants (plants with stems much water to be cooked). This plant grows into Mashya and Mashyanag, the first human. In the religious myth Penyebah fire, fighting between the most high god Ahura Mazda with the evil god Angra Mainyu lasted for 12,000 years, first in 3000 years, the world's brightest Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu dark world together exist, the earliest human beings also seduced and led astray by kejahatn and darkness.

Angra Mainyu does not kill Mashya and Mashyanag like killing a white buffalo, but he misled them to worship him. After 50 years they gave birth to a son, but under the direction of Angra Mainyu lost a husband and wife takes her son, until the sin against him. After that the supreme god Ahura restore the intrinsic nature of Mashya and Mashyanag, after that more and more children are born, they became the earliest humans.

3. Babylon: Goddess Crimes After Death Creates Heaven and Earth
Babylonian Enuma Elish myth creator god of water from Apsu (fresh) and Tiamat (salt) gave birth to several generations of the sky god. In some sky god Ea is the eldest brother, at his side there is a lot younger. However, little sky god who has not grown very noisy, to the Apsu and Tiamat could not sleep, till Apsu making plans to kill these little gods, but this plan leaked out, Ea killed Apsu actually moving ahead.

After Tiamat know, he vowed revenge, he creates a lot of monsters, of which include: a mad dog, scorpion human, half-bull and a giant dragon and so on. Ea and god Damkina created Marduk, a giant god with four eyes and four ears, the patron god Marduk. In the evil of war between Marduk and Tiamat, Marduk uses an arrow archery and the heart. He then tore his body into two parts, created the heavens and the earth, after that he created mankind, so that hard working people doing the work that the gods do not want to do, for example: farming, telemarketing and accounting. (This back Marduk appears on Cartoon Network Sealab 2020!)
4. Ancient Egypt: In the beginning, the World belongs to chaotic conditions
In many stories of ancient Egyptian creation myth. All started from mixing irregular, the sky god Nu (ataun Nun). Atum expect him to have the spirit and physical body, after that he created a small hill, if not in a chaotic world that he he had no place to stand. Atum is the god who was not a man or woman, her eyes could see everything. From his mouth issued a child, Shu was the god of air, after which he issued from his mouth again a daughter, Tefnut god of humidity. They were both given the task of changing the chaotic conditions of the universe, Shu and Atum created the earth god Geb and Nut also god of the sky, at first Geb and Nut berlilit into one, but Geb trying upright again, then gradually a new world order is finally formed, but Shu and Geb lost in the darkness.

Atum scrape the eye itself to find Shu and Geb, Shu and Geb finally made it back to the side of Atum. Atum very happy, very moved to shed a tear, every drop of her tears fell to the earth creates a human.

5. Aztescs in Ancient MesikoIn the mythical nation of the earth mother is Aztescs Coatlicue, the purpose of this name is "serpent skirt," he depicted in the myth is very scary, he is wearing a chain around his neck made of human hands and heart, her skirt ridden by venomous snakes. At first in his mother earth black stone knife Aztescs conceded she became pregnant and gave birth to the goddess of the moon Coyolxauhqui, later she gave birth to 400 children, all of this became a star cluster in the southern sky ..

After it flew from the sky and dropped a feathery ball-shaped object ungas, Coatlicue discover system and put this ball in his waist, was made pregnant again.Pregnancy is a goddess of the moon Coyolxauhqui and 400 children were shocked and outraged, but the child in the stomach Coatlique is Huitzilopochtli god of war and the sun, he jumped out of the womb, so she had to wear out his body armor, he quickly grew to be adults.

Huitzilopochtli Coatlicue by entertaining his mother, he then attacked the goddess of the moon Coyolxauhqui, under the auspices of the fire he then killed the snake goddess of the moon, Huitzilopochtli cut off his head and thrown into the sky, this head instantly turned into the moon in the sky.

6. China: Pangu Open Sky, Man Creates NuwaSeed universe egg floating in space dimension of the eternal nature, he included two conflicting effects: Yin and Yang. After several reincarnations, Pangu was born, the most important part in the egg ---- Yin seed fell to the mainland, which is lighter --- The rising form the sky.

Pangu kwatir heaven and earth together again, he then uses his hands and feet sustains the heavens and the earth, he every day grew long as 10 inches, after 18,000 years the sky has reached a height of 30,000 miles. After the task finished Pangu, he later died, a part of his body turned into a real material universe.Goddess Nuwa became very quiet, he then took the mud from the river Huang to make a human, so humans first appeared, then he used a tree branch and took the mud and throws it into the ground, some point turned into a small mud mankind.

7. Japan: Earth Is an Out Island
God of the sky to create two siblings: sister Izanag, i younger sister Izanami, they stood on the bridge floating over the ocean primitive. Using a long spear in the sea pearl god stirring until Onogoro formed the first island, on the island they lived as husband and wife.

God angry with them because of a promise, a couple was using a long stick pearl again membentik Japanese islands and the gods in the ocean, but when the god of fire Kagutsuchi-no-we were born, Izanami died. Izanagi is very sad and then he followed the spirit Izanami came to hell that is controlled Yomi, Yomi Izanami eat food and not let reincarnation again.

When Izanagi suddenly saw Izanami's body which he mebusuk frightened and ran away, the spirit of Izanami was furious and continued to pursue Izanagi. Finally, Izanagi managed to escape and get out of the hell hole, he then tied himself with a large stone, forever separated by death, he did not want to go to hell again.

8. India: The principle of the Universe and Heaven Brahma
There are many myths creator in Hindu cosmology. In the language of Vedic texts, biblical Rig Veda, Hindu myths depicted, a huge god Purusha has thousands of heads, eyes and feet, she embraces the whole earth, ten fingers when extended to reach the sky,

When the sky god worship Purusha, his body issued a clear butter oil, the oil is then transformed into ungas and animals. Then the body of Purusha transformation into the foundation of the world's millions of creatures, as well as a fire god Agni, the god of the heavens and the Indra, also from the growth created the four castes in Indian society: Brahmin, nobleman, knight, and sudra. According to recent historical development, Triniti of Brahma the Creator), Vishnu (maintainer) and Shiva (destroyer) fused to the surface. Brahma appears in a lotus blooming from Nishnu a sleep center. Brahma created the universe, which will end one day, or 4.32 million years old. Then Shiva destroys the universe and sikuls begins again.

9. Greece and Titan
VIII century BC in poetry myth recorded by Greeks Hesiod's Theogony, the primitive condition of chaotic universe started from a primitive deity, including the Goddess Gaia (mother earth). Gaia created the heavens Uranus to cover himself., Uranus is a primitive of the most high god, he is the evolution of the sky, children and spouse Goddess Earth. Uranus controls the skies and protect Gaia, AAI and Gaia gave birth to the gods, a collection of weird animals and monsters, including Hecatonchires monsters with 50 heads and a hundred hands, and Cyloped "wheel eye", eye for eye of the giant single wheel axle.

Gaia and Uranus gave birth to 6 boys and 6 girls. Uranus is not like some of her daughter who apparently looks and strange, so he locked him in Tartarus (hell hole in the bottom of the dark without the sun). Against this, the Earth Goddess Gaia was angry, he gave a large knife to his youngest son Cronus, and even told her plan to kill Uranus.
When Uranus approached Gaia to try making out, her youngest child Cronus suddenly jumped out and cut off Uranus's genitals tool, when Uranus blood flow on the floor, created the human race a giant, monster and goddess of vengeance revenge.

From the sea foam which was stirred by the holy testicles munculah gods Aphrodite.Later, the father of the god Cronus next generation,, and Olympian Zeus.

10. Judaism and Christianity: Adam and Eve
In Judaism (Old Testament) and Christian Bible, there are two myths about the human resource. Both this myth until now was believed by both religions. In the first story, God says, "Let there light here!" after that the light appears, within a period of 6 days, God created the heavens, land, stars, sun and moon, including humans and animals.

Day-7 God's rest, looking at the results of its creation was satisfied. In the second myth, God created the first man on the mainland-Adam, God created a garden in Eden for Adam so he could live freely, but God forbid him to eat fruit on the tree of Eden, this fruit comes from trees and good awareness evil. Adam's life was too lonely, so God took a rib from Adam's body and creates a woman Eve (Eve). A snake that can talk to persuade Adam to eat the fruit of the ban, after which she also persuaded Adam to eat the fruit of the ban. After God knows this problem, Adam and Eve expelled from Eden, for they become ordinary human beings. They live on earth.


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