5 Amazing Little Heroes
1.Nathan Thomson; boy 9 years old who saved his mother from a stranger stab

The boy was stabbed in the face as he fights to save his mother from a Thomson dikenal.Nathan not jumped onto the back of Hugh Clark, a drunk who wants to stab Nathan's mother, Ena when they are on the road last night that hari.Pemabuk switch towards Nathan and menghunuskan knife after stabbing at Nathan Ena by 8 kali.Beruntung both survivors and the event was successfully stopped the authorities around the scene.
2 . Charlie Simpson: boy of 7 years of cycling around the city to collect donations for earthquake victims in Haiti.

Charlie started his business with a short message "My name is Charlie Simpson, I'm trying to hold an activity sponsor cycling for Haiti because there was an earthquake and many people lost their lives karenanya.Aku want to raise money to buy food, water, and tents for the victims of Haiti" Charlie hopes to raise money as much as 500 euros by cycling 15 miles around the park kota.Namun his efforts have touched the hearts of many people and make it gather 120,000 euros for victims of Haiti.
3 . Lin Hao: The boy who saved his classmates during the earthquake

Lin Hao sat in 2nd grade elementary school and became head of the class of 30 friends temannya.Saat earthquake came, the whole building collapse and fall on Lin Hao and friends temannya.Seluruh class trying to save their souls before Lin Hao masing.Namun escape disaster, he returned to the rubble and rescue her friends are caught in between puing.Ketika asked why he would risk his life for two of his friends, he casually replied "I was already supposed to be class president and I am responsible for my friends." . Candidates steady leader ya gan ..
4.Alexis Goggin: seven-year boy who uses his body as a shield to protect the mother's life

Alexis Goggin, the boy who was sitting in class 1 of primary school was given the title as the 'angel from heaven' after he jumped in front of a gunman and make his body as a shield to block the six bullets aimed at the girl ibunya.Ibu, Selietha Parker, 30, was shot in the left temple and arm by her boyfriend, who raged and before he fired a bullet toward Selietha again, Alexis jumped to the front of the shooter and begged not to take the life ibunya.Beruntung lives of both can still be saved.
5 . Ibrahim Ouaida: 8-year boy who drowned after saving his sister

The incident occurred when Abraham Sandrigde swim at the beach in Melbourne with her sister Sarah, 10.Seketika big wave came and swept them into the sea which can not survive lepas.Kakaknya kept screaming for pertolongan.Saat that Abraham came and shouted 'I've come brother , I'm coming '. Abraham pulled her head to the surface and keep them afloat while saying "I love you brother, you will baik2 only". After a rescuer came, Abraham asked him to save his brother who had passed out and said "Please saved him, my mother needed it, he really means ". After the rescuer pulled Sarah to the beach and look for Abraham, his life has no merit Ibrahim tertolong.Atas given 'Bravery Medal' by the local government.
source: http://www.mypepito.info/2010/03/5-pahlawan-cilik-yang-mengagumkanmust.html
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