9 Dragons, Genk With General

Network Nine Dragons through the various regions in Indonesia. Tribute to military officials, police, or local government, making it increasingly strong business. The clock has been moved to number 01.00 WIB, Saturday morning. The night was getting late and spread the bitter cold to the bone marrow. However, some corners of the city of Jakarta was still "hot" and throbbing. A social cycle that survives.Jakarta was never "die" from the nightlife, especially for those who are hooked to the world of entertainment and gambling.
Come to the Kabuki, Prinsen Park Hotel, Area Lokasari in West Jakarta. Then, Rainbow and King City in Jalan Hayam Wuruk, including King Diamond in the Area Glodok, West Jakarta. Anyone could try his fortune in gambling and business premises owned by Rudi or among gamblers often called her Rudi King Diamond.Simply deposit $ 1 million as a deposit at the entrance, visitors can engage in activities inside. Ever watch the movie God of Gamblers? Just so the atmosphere in it. There are dozens of roulette tables, casino, and hundreds of machine mickey mouse. Dozens of workers, and there are also dozens of well-built guard with a crew cut hair cut. Reportedly, the three gambling sites that, Rudi can suck up to Rp 5 billion in fresh money per night. Calculate only if at times 30 days. So, no less than Rp 150 billion per month. Hatta, gambling is not a difficult thing in Jakarta.
Riwayatnnya had been there since the Dutch era. After Governor Ali Sadikin issued a gambling license in mid-1967, berlombalah people open businesses classified according to religious teachings misbegotten. When was the gamblers aka junket been squandering dollars on some gambling sites. For example, in plot IX, Copacobana, Jakarta Theatre, and Lofto Fair Hailal. Emerged some Indonesian businessmen of Chinese descent who became a prima donna in this business. Call it the Yan Darmadi. During Governor Ali Sadikin, Yan managed to reap $ 1.5 billion.Besides having a stake in the four locations had been gambling, Yan also mentioned the casino opened in Surabaya in 1980. That said, a quarter revenues Regional Budget (APBD) City Crocodile came from Yan Darmadi. But, not long endure such conditions. A year later (1981), the Governor of DKI Jakarta Tjokropranolo revoke the permit. After all, gambling mafia network in Jakarta rather than lost, but instead extended throughout Indonesia in the configuration of the Nine Dragons. These networks are similar to the Triad in Hong Kong and Macau. It is they who control and regulate gambling sites. They form a set of "security" that includes services to the general amateur professional hitman. Now there are at least 44 locations of gambling in Jakarta (see table). Ranging from small fry to big fish.From the open, like a dark toto (toggle), to a closed (casinos and roulette). All were scattered in every corner of Jakarta. While other large cities such as Medan, Riau, Palembang, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya and Manado, is equally agile.According to the former king of gambling Anton Medan, the largest gambling places in Jakarta are now in the House ITC Mangga Dua, Jakarta Barat. There, some major airports such as Tomy Winata, Engsan, Yasmin, Chandra and David collaborate to build a business and network. Good for areas of Jakarta and throughout Indonesia.Tribute to a number of settings including high-ranking military officers, police, government of Jakarta, youth and civic organizations, and journalists. From that location, the airport can earn USD 10 billion-USD 15 billion per night. After the cut shareholder equity, the rest are distributed to the entire network security earlier.There is a ten-day, per month, or per week. For Jakarta, there are a number of names and areas of potential gambling that can be called as a network of "Nine Dragons" was. Besides Tomy Winata, Engsan, Yasmin and David, there is still Apow, gambling house owner mickey mouse (MM) at Jewel (Glodok), Jalan Boulevard (Kelapa Gading), Kasturi in Mangga Besar, office in the Green Garden Block A and the Glory Road , West Jakarta. Well, from three locations, he earned a minimum of USD $ 2 billion every night. At other sites, Apow also build a network of similar business with Juhua and Ali Oan in Asemka, West Jakarta, as well as in Jalan Gajah Mada, Central Jakarta.
Apow level, there is Rudi King Diamond. Well, this tycoon classified hockey.Location casino, roulette and her MM is located at Stadium and Rainbow in the Area Hayam Wuruk. Prinsen Park Hotel Kabuki in Lokasari, West Jakarta, as well as in Kunir Road, North Jakarta, including those on the island of Ayer, also began to bring big profits for him. Reportedly, of all that, he could attract USD 10 billion per night.Rudi is not alone. For businesses on the island of Ayer for example, he hook Haston, Arief, Cocong, Eddie P. and Umar. As for gambling locations in the complex area of Taman Sari, West Jakarta, Rudi worked with Tomy Winata, Ariel, and Cocong. Compared with other gambling locations in Jakarta, two-storey building in Jalan Kunir I was relatively little difficult to penetrate, especially for those who are not familiar with "accomplice" the owner of that location. In addition to a fence covered with zinc, where the effort was also escorted by dozens of thugs. Well, from a number of locations searched FORUM gambling, casino games, have a lot of interest gamblers. This game uses a small disk with holes that can be played and is equipped with a small ball. Every player put a coin on the table numbered from 0-38, which is divided into three sections based on multiples paid. For owners who score the same coin with a ball, is the winner. In addition to the network "Nine Dragons" based in Jakarta earlier, at the stage of national gambling there are some other names are also included in the network. For example, Wang Ang (Bandung), Pepen (Manado), Dedi Handoko (Batam, Tanjung Pinang and surrounding area), Jhony F.(Surabaya), Olo Panggabean (Medan and Aceh), and the Word (Semarang). "They are gambling mafia which controls the network at some point in Indonesia. In fact, reportedly already in the gambling mafia network in Hong Kong and Singapore," said the source FORUM at Police Headquarters. Atom markets, Andi Plaza, and Darmo Park is an area of the gambling elite in the city of Surabaya. Type the casino and the ball smartly. But, not everyone can get into that arena because it kept extra tight. One of them using a system of "membership card".
Apart from Jhony F., reportedly aka YE W, once inactive, is now acting up again. In fact, he re-establish relations with Rudi King Diamond and Chandra in Jakarta. On average per month, which enter a minimum turnover reached USD 5 billion. While in some major cities in Sumatra, Medan, Pekanbaru, Palembang and Jambi, gambling tail has been operating for decades without significant resistance from security forces. In Medan, for example, the most famous business is coupons toggle Singapore and KIM-run gambling game Olo Panggabean. They distribute coupons through agents every Monday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. In one round, Olo reportedly receive about USD 2 billion net.
They run smoothly-operating smoothly. If there is any bullying from the government, usually soon will be "safe" again. Never once, the bookies got surprised when in May 2000, Preiden Abdurrahman Wahid - then still in power - blamed as the mastermind Tomy Winata gambling on cruise ships. But the accusation was later withdrawn by the Attorney General Marzuki Darusman. The owner of the ship, said Marzuki, is Rudi Susanto. Which was reportedly held on a gambling cruise ship off the coast of the Bay of Jakarta's scandalous. FORUM source said, once anchored, Rudi Susanto effort had been able to print money at least Rp 500 billion net.Unfortunately, the flood of rupiah gained the bookies like Rudi Susanto and his friends, rarely recorded in Indonesia.
"After that, they buy dollars and direct transfer to one of the foreign banks abroad," said the source FORUM on the Jakarta Stock Exchange. The rampant practice of gambling in Indonesia would not be separated from a black history of this nation.Apiang Jinggo aka Yan Darmadi is the owner of Nine and Kopabana Map, and arguably the first king of gambling (the era of the Old Order). Apiang it was flying a few years, when Ali Sadikin legalize gambling in Jakarta. However, after leaving government policies that forbid gambling, the business reportedly staggered. But, the condition does not last long. Despite the prohibition, remains an underground operation of the road. Well, the second generation, inherited Robert Siantar and Abah.
While Sie Hong Lie, Liem Engsan alias Hasan, alias Apyang Atang Latif, and the late Nyo Beng Seng alias Darmansyah, including Anton Medan itself, is the third generation. "At that time I mastered seven locations in Jakarta. Rest in Batam, Jambi and Medan," said Anton Medan. While Tomy Winata, Rudi King Diamond, and a series of other names had been a fourth-generation heir. Outside of the names above, there are still other figures that operate up to foreign countries. Call it Sie Hong Lie, he has a business gambling lottery Phnom Penh in Cambodia. Also, livestock, horse racing, and hill tin in Singapore and Penang, Malaysia. In addition, he has two cruise ships, Delfin Star and Lido Star, headquartered in Singapore.
There is another name Apyang, in addition to managing the gambling in Chrismast Island, Australia, along with Robby Sumampouw, he also opened a bank, property, and hotels in Jakarta. While late Nyo Beng Seng have a network of gambling in Genting Highland (Malaysia), Las Vegas (USA), Macau and Perth, Australia.Business in Indonesia is the record company Irama Tara. Why would they be so safe and strong?
According to Anton Medan, all was not apart of the security network built alias backing. Typically, each turn of the top leaders of the TNI, the Police or the Governor of Jakarta, the kingpin was often sought entry as a partner.Understandably alone, as a leader, surely they need operational funds are not small. Well, the purse of the most secure and difficult to be tracked are from these 303 sectors.
The money that something like nonbudgeter funds for the leaders of military, police, the administration, organization and OKP figures, including journalists, it is precisely in these 303 airports. Access to officials it is not difficult. Because, so no signal would be promoted as one of the top brass, the airport was immediately sent couriers as an introductory greeting. That relationship continues to exists in nature as well. "Hence, it is impossible if there are generals who say never eat gambling money," said Anton. Channeled tribute also classified as not a little.
For individual military and police officers for example, Rp 15 billion per month. While the level below USD 10 billion. Going down to the bottom again, Rp 5 billion. And so on. "That's not including requests for assistance in the form of goods such as cars and computers," said a source at Police Headquarters. Likewise with top government officials in Jakarta Government. Still according to Anton, upetinya can Rp 10 billion per month. While Chairman of OKP and organizations, ranging from USD 200-500 million per month. "The weight that was from the apparatus. Starting from the police and Koramil up to generals. Fund operations are huge," said one dealer to the FORUM. Hence, public demonstrations antijudi never greeted properly.So do not ever dream of, problem gambling completely. What matters more is the fact Megawati administration, Judi negotiate with religious leaders. Rather than the result of gambling into the mouth of the demons was backing gambling (barons, thugs and corrupt generals should gambling be legalized only in Indonesia) In order for government to get additional income which can never dry build social facilities which are used for the interests of the people particularly on the poor.
source : http://mafiaindonesia.blogspot.com/2008/10/9-naga-genk-dengan-jendral-mafia.html
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