10 Things to Avoid When ML (Making Love)
You know ML? what you've done? for those of you who have never done you should notice a few things to avoid when making Making Love . For those who already have the ML also tips the next time it needs to add hot ML-nya.Ini him things things that are prohibited during ML .
1. Do not ever bite to bleed your spouse ML. Kick gentle bite that you just gave.Guarantee sexual sensations your partner will rise vibrant. For that start with a gentle bite that made him satisfied.
2. Do not ever dispose of the wind when ML. Tabu laws, so do not try to do it.Understandably, no delicious aroma can make you bite the fingers because your partner is no longer obscured by passion.
3. Do not ever scream. Screaming will not increase your sex partner passion, actually quite disturbing. All you need to do is gently sighed as he continued to enjoy the sensation. This is guaranteed to excite you and your sexual partner.
4. Do not you compare the size or shape of your partner's body with a porn star you've ever seen. Moreover, to censure him. Trust your partner must be a lost passion. In fact, if you sseorang man who is going to suffer from impotence. Learn to mutual acceptance and praise. Forms thank you like that, it could create a much more passionate relationship.
5. Never fake an orgasm. Most of the women tried to like her partner to say that he was satisfied that in fact has not reached orgasm. The reality is difficult to catch the signs of orgasm. But do not ever lie, because it could have you as a man thinks it does not take a long time to making out tenderly.
6. Do not ever hurt your partner. Is fine you berekperimen new things for you not menoton pervintaan story. Just a reminder, you should not try new things that can hurt your partner unless you both have a sexual disorder. Never imitate the porn movie you just watched. Such tie it, then whip until the wound and then dripping the wax on your partner's body. Whew, danger.
7. Do not use strong drugs that can slow down your penis in a complete action.Consuming drugs is strong, can only be done if you experience premature ejaculation or impotence. The reason, your confidence will be lost, and you will increasingly depend on it.
Sex for so long did not give comfort and pleasure for your partner, because it is torturing him. Experts had sex in the whole world is saying this. Nothing else to keep your sexual relationship, or even more harmonious.
8. Never ML in your home or in-laws. Having sex in your home emergency or very high risk in-law, unless the host is providing special room for you both. It's embarrassing being caught having sex in the bathroom, kitchen, or even in the park.Your self-worth was going to fall thereafter.
9. Never have sex in the library. Library was not the ideal place for ML. Just a little wheezing sound is heard, people would have looked curious. It happened to remember the library quiet room. Although there are a lot aisle between shelves of books that may be rarely visited. Remember that there are a lot of information there.You better read the book, who knows where to find a more representative reference for romance. So, the grave will fuck you crazy.
10. Never ML in your workplace. You are not the owner of the company, so do not ever do it in office or workspace. In any case, a sex scandal is always considered unprofessional. If you still care about your career, do not try to do it. At the very least, do not get caught.
source: http://beritafenomenal.wordpress.com/2010/02/28/10-hal-yang-harus-dihindari-saat-ml-making-love/
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