Saturday, August 6, 2011

10 Disease Can be prevented or cured with Chocolate

Here are 10 diseases you can cure or prevent the chocolate:
  • High Blood Pressure
    Chocolate and cocoa contain flavanols, which have good quality and the quality of heart-healthy antioxidants. One of the vascular benefits of flavanols to eat is to reduce blood pressure.
  • High Cholesterol
    When consuming chocolate you eat flavanoids which have the ability of antioxidants known to lower bad cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol. LDL can damage arteries and increase your chances of heart disease or heart attack.
  • Liver Disease
    patients with liver disease can snack Compounds antioxidant-rich chocolate because it has been found to reduce high blood pressure in the liver and reduce damage to blood vessels of the heart.
  • Diabetes
    Eating dark chocolate in the total being was found to raise blood sugar treatment, which may reduce the risk of diabetes

  • Stress
    Chocolate has mood enhancing the quality and benefits of stress-relievers. Experts have found that chocolate can to reduce the levels of unwanted stress hormones, making it more happy, healthy people.
  • Cough
    Got a cough continually? Experts have found that theobromine, a compound found in cocoa, may reduce the cough, by influencing sensory nerve ends of the vagus nerve that runs through the airways in the lungs.
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    From drinking soda or coffee when you feel tired, eat chocolate square to increase your energy level. In small doses, caffeine in chocolate will give you a healthy shot of energy to prevent chronic fatigue.
  • Blood clotting
    People who eat chocolate have been found to have slower tranfusi clot blood, which help prevent blood clots that can cause a heart attack.
  • Stroke
    Compounds containing flavanol found in chocolate, called epicatechin, have been found to protect against stroke damage.
  • Cancer
    While the chocolate will not cure cancer, may have preventive benefits such as reducing cell damage can lead to tumor growth.

source: ~ r / Strov / ~ 3/ER4FQCOF50c/10-penyakit-yang-dapat-dicegah-atau.html

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