Thursday, August 4, 2011

The places you need to know who weirdness

1. Pembrokeshire, Wales.
The shape of the house - a house in this region resembles a house in the movie The Hobbit LOTR. Built entirely from natural bahan2 who found around the residence. Walls of stone, mud and water into the house because of gravity.Windows and pipes taken from sampah.Siapa that mimics who ya .. so confused ..

2. Yucatan, Mexico.
Swimming Crystals 
Amidst the dense forest in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, unexpectedly scattered thousands of "crystal pools" are mysterious. According to a Reuters report, scientists from the U.S. have found a "crystal pool" was not long ago, which also opened the veil of the real world of underground water. These dense forests hide a lot of "crystal pools", where the depths of one of the "pond crystal" that can reach 160 meters in depth.

Thousands of "crystal pond" below the soil has formed an underground world of mysterious water. ancient Mayans ever consider that there is an entrance to the underground nature. Local communities also continue melegendakan, that in a world of mysterious underground water, there is a pile of bones, and gold that make up such a mountain.

Researchers from the U.S. and explorers to investigate a number of holes, carrying oxygen cylinders, water-resistant lamp and other underwater equipment.From the investigation it is known that the real "pool crystal" This is a hole that is formed from limestone rocks (limestone) which eroded the permanent rain water.And therefore filtered rainwater similar limestone sponges, the water looks very clear and transparent, and looks like it was made of crystal.

The divers adventurers feel as if flying in the sky while swimming in the water under the land. Pools of these crystals that have a depth shallower than 1 meter, while that in the not unfounded. They never dive into an underground hole, until at a depth of 160 meters strangely it still can not get to the bottom. 
Naturally, the Mayans never made ​​ponds such crystals as a sacred pond, and they never put jewelry items into it to ancestor worship. In the daily life of Ancient Mayan-Kubang Kubang these occupy an important status. Kubang also provide adequate water resources for the Maya, while also providing for their baths. Until now, in some far flung villages in the Yucatan peninsula, people still depend on the hole like this in life.

In the Mayan spiritual beliefs, Kubang Kubang-is also a place to stay Rain God, just as the Palace of the Dragon in Chinese legends. Mayan rely on them to bow to invoke rain. Mayans believe that the rain in the sky is the result of the visit Rain God, only by presenting "gifts", new rain god could be present. They include jewelry into the hole, it will even pick a pretty girl and parachuted into the water, with the intention of pleasing God of Rain.

3. Wieliczka, Poland. 
Poles who stood above the salt mines have been operating for 800 tahun.Tambang is now open to tourists with a depth of 1000 feet.Perlu known, the mine was once used as an aircraft factory during World War 2.Menarik instead of staying on top salt mines? definitely salty water all .. ^ ^

4. Kapadokya, Turkey. 
Turkey home of hundreds of houses comprising rooms and concatenated together with an old system of underground cities over the age of 2500thn. Area-area separated by a narrow corridor, the population started its occupation of the surface and eventually moved into the basement.

5. Xi'an, China.
China now become famous with the temukannya the Mausoleum of Qinshihuang, the largest imperial tomb in China's history. This miracle was built in 38 years by 700,000 workers, and is famous for the terracotta army buried with Emporer.Siapa yah artists who make statues? A clear, perfect! ^ ^

6. Denver, Colorado.
Colorado has a big airport who had trusted him a lot of underground tunnels.Based on the relics were found, believed the tunnels were built by the military as the Masonic Temple as a haven from attacks musuh.Di find the extensive underground tunnels that connect to each other under the city iniPerlu how long ya make of that tunnel. .?

7. Tokyo, Japan.
Japan is the central mystery involving the seven puzzles including an underground city beneath the city. It began when Japanese researcher, Shun Akiba find an old map of the Tokyo tunnel system that is incompatible with the existing map. Since then she has found irregularities in the six historical maps and other records about space-room tunnel degan tersembunyi.termasuk some hidden room architectural design that we know as Ninja .. walls had turned itself .. like elevator aja yah .. Fantastic!

8. Edinburgh, Scotland.
In addition to the already well-known myth, Sea Monsters LOCHNESS .. Scotland also has a long and strange history, one of the most bizarre is the discovery of a bridge that was buried under tanah.di expect, after the bridge was completed and followed by the mysterious deaths, the end of this bridge is not to be used.

9. Abydos, Egypt.

The pictures above are found on the support beams above the ceiling of a room of Ancient Egyptian royal shrine, located at Abydos, several hundred miles south of Cairo and the Giza plateau. Objects in the picture, seen from its physical equipment is operated in a plane layer on the surface of the tube as the earth, not to space vacuum. Therefore used the side wings and tail and propeller. Abydos temple was built for the god Osiris by the ancient Egyptian pharaoh, Seti I (1306-1290 BC) and completed by his successor, Ramses II. (The plane terbangkah it or ..?)
Is a mysterious explosion incident that occurred at Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, dated October 4, 1967. An object hit the Shag Harbour 11:20 o'clock at night, causing a great explosion. There were no fatalities. The witnesses saw the object as "flying saucer". Not long after, the place was closed immediately. The military is coming soon Canada. In an instant, the place was cleaned and immediately transported puing2. The incident was covered up very impressed. What exactly happens? Is it true that flying saucer that crashed? Government of Canada has never issued any statement on this matter. And to this day, the mystery is never revealed.

10. italia. 
A pair of skeleton men and women new stone age who hugged each other tightly unearthed in Italy. Pair of framework this warm embrace each other, shaking everyone who sees it. Archaeologists estimate that this framework has been buried a pair of approximately 5000-6000 years in the underground! hugs for 5,000 this year not only shook the archaeologists, and even the world community.
To maintain this style arms, scientists had not yet decided to separate the pieces of skeleton. "We will continue to maintain their stance as long as it is hugging each other." So said Irena Mannorti archaeologist who discovered a pair of this framework. 
After the skeleton was removed, scientists will investigate further to a pair of lovers who embrace each other is eternal. Furthermore, the framework will be stored in national museums of Italy. 
According to scientists, that their knowledge of the stone age lovers are very few.Skeleton was discovered in a suburb of Valdaro, Mantova, hence the name "Valdaro lover." 
Archaeologists seem very confident that they died as a teenager, because their teeth are still intact. In addition, because along with the discovery of an arrow and a few tools in that framework, can be known if they died in the stone age. And behind the legend who is considered the most glorious in the history of Italian archeology was still many puzzles that need to be described. There are indications, that both this man died in a state rather than hugging each other, but rather buried in the ground so grave prasejarah.Cinta truly timeless .. ^ ^

11. Sidoarjo, Indonesia . 
Maybe guns well a few hundred more years, the villages are buried beneath the mud is recovered and is considered as an underground city ? 

source: / 12/tempat-tempat-yg-perlu-anda-ketahui.html

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