Monday, March 7, 2011

Fastest Supercomputer in the World

Fastest Supercomputer in the World
This is a good day and it is perfect time to input new information in your head. Related to the title, in this post I am going to share the name and specs of newest world`sfastest supercomputerrecord holder. The name of the computer is Tianhe-1A and you make a perfect guess if you think this is related to Chinese.
Tianhe-1A is a new supercomputer in China which is not same as cheap Chinese product you can find on the market. It was designed by University of Defense Technology of China. It hit world`s record after the supercomputer broke a new performance record at 2.507 petaflops. The record was set because the supercomputer is systemized by 7,168 NVIDIA ® Tesla™ M2050 GPUs and14,336 CPUs. This record also unlisted Cray XT5 Jaguar Supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Labs from the first rank of world`s fastest computer.
The Tianhe 1A Supercomputer  Fastest Supercomputer in the World
Tianhe-1A is designed as a large scale scientific computations system and open access system for the university. The weight of the supercomputer is 155 tons and it is powered by 4.04 megawatts of electrical energy. The cost to design and construct the supercomputer was $88,000,000 and that make the computer is listed as one of the priciest computer in the world.
The Tianhe 1A Supercomputer 21 Fastest Supercomputer in the World
To match the same performance of the fastest supercomputer in the world, we will need more than 50,000 CPUs and few floor spaces to accommodate all the hardware and racks.  It is a very tough challenge and I don’t think financing the project will be a simple job either.

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